[1] ɪ'ᴅ ʀᴀᴛʜᴇʀ ᴅɪᴇ ᴛʜᴀɴ ʀᴇᴀᴅ, ᴀᴘᴘᴀʀᴇɴᴛʟʏ

219 14 2

TW: contains familial neglect/abuse, jokes about traumatic topics, implied sexual harassment, death [y/n's preincarnate life is not a pretty one]

As the morning sun gently caresses the horizon, its warm rays filter through the window. It painted the room in a soft, golden hue. Outside the window, the world seems to be in harmony with the dawn. The birds chirp their melodious tunes and a gentle breeze whispers through the trees. The scent of dew-kissed petals lingers within the air, an aftermath of the raindrops that fell a few moments prior.

But enough about the beauty of the morning outside, let's return our focus to the room we started out in.

The room is..within a state of disarray. A canvas of clutter painted with scattered belongings and most likely forgotten treasures. Pieces of clothing lie in piles, draped over a chair and spilling from open drawers. Books and papers form some kind of inconsistent pattern upon the desk, some pages even appear to be torn out and scattered elsewhere. Perhaps the result of a fit of rage. A kaleidoscope of colours from artwork adorns the walls. The drawings are intricate, and yet, many of them would appear to be crinkled and torn if one were to take a closer look.

Why is that?

Amidst the chaos, a lone figure lies upon the bed of the room, cocooned within a nest of blankets. Her tousled hair spills across the pillow that her head lays upon, and some strands frame the peaceful expression on her face, one that seems untouched by the disorder surrounding her. Soft breaths escape her parted lips, a gentle rhythm that punctuates the stillness of the room.


The girl appeared to be peaceful.

But would you believe me if I were to tell you that this state of peace was a rare occurrence for this girl?


The serenity of the morning is abruptly shattered by the jarring sound of an alarm clock, its beeping cutting through the silence like a sharp blade. With a start, the girl awakens from her slumber, her eyes fluttering open to reveal a gaze clouded with exhaustion and stress. Her once peaceful expression is now marred with not just the agony of her life up until now, but also the dread for the days to come. Lines of weariness etched themselves upon her brows.

She turns onto her back and places her arms down by her sides. The mattress beneath her feels rough against her skin, adding to her sense of dread.

Dishevelled hair falls around her face as she sits up on the bed. The sunlight no longer accompanies a serene face, but now bothers an annoyed one.

She tilts her head up, gazing at the blank ceiling above. Her hair falls over her shoulders down her back and with those wild strands out of the way, the hues of orange protruding inside through the window can now accentuate dried stains that taint the skin of her face. Ones that seem to have started near her eyes.

Tear stains.

Her eyelids fall shut again, the girl seeming to be prepared for what would come next.

The following sound of shattering glass is so loud, one could bet that even the neighbours' neighbours would be able to hear it.


She remains still, debating wether or not she should even leave her bed at all.

reincarnated as the princess- of xianle!? | tgcf x f. reader Where stories live. Discover now