2. Information.

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They were now in Japan, sitting in their train alongwith other students and their professor

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They were now in Japan, sitting in their train alongwith other students and their professor.

"Attention! Everybody, listen to me carefully. I'm gonna tell you a little about the 'Aokigahara Jukai'."

"So, here I go.", The professor announced and began to talk about the forest.

"Aokigahara (青木ヶ原, 'Blue Tree Meadow'), also known as the Sea of Trees (樹海, Jukai), is a forest on the northwestern flank of Mount Fuji on the island of Honshu in Japan, thriving on 30 square kilometres (12 sq mi) of hardened lava laid down by the last major eruption of Mount Fuji in 864 CE. The western edge of Aokigahara, where there are several caves that fill with ice in winter, is a popular destination for tourists and school trips."

"Well, one of the reasons why we're going there. It's a popular destination.", the professor shrugged and continued,

"Parts of Aokigahara are very dense, and the porous lava rock absorbs sound, contributing to a sense of solitude that some visitors attribute to the forest.
The forest has a historical reputation as a home to Yūrei: ghosts of the dead in Japanese mythology. At least since the 1960s, Aokigahara has become associated with suicide, eventually becoming known in English by the nickname "Suicide Forest" and gaining a reputation as one of the world's most-used suicide sites. Because of this, signs at the head of some trails urge suicidal visitors to think of their families and contact a suicide prevention association.", the professor stopped for a brief moment, before continuing,

"This thing is JUST a legend though, kids. I don't want any of you to believe in this Yūrei or Ubasute thing that I'll be talking about next. I don't want any of you pulling stupid pranks on each other. If I catch someone being goofy, I'm giving you detention right there and then. You won't be joining us in the trip either. We'll leave you at the hotel alone, grounded.", the professor made himself loud and clear.

He cleared his throat and began,

"Some also associate Ubasute with Aokigahara; a ritual of the ancient Japanese where an elder family member (like an old lady) was abandoned by their family at the time of famine or extreme starvation. It was done so that there would be one less mouth to feed. They were left in forests or abandoned places where vegetation doesn't exist, a place which has lost touch with the outer world. And they were simply left there to die. This also caused many to believe that those poor souls came back with a rebuke to get their revenge."

The professor continued, "But some argue that these are nothing more than Folklores."

"The rate of suicide has led officials to place a sign at the forest's entry urging suicidal visitors to seek help and not take their own lives. Annual body searches have been conducted by police, volunteers, and journalists since 1970.", the professor added,

"That's all necessary for now. I hope you got the main idea of the forest. You can go back to doing your silly activities."

"Woah. That was some good information right there.", Taehyung responded to the newly found information he gathered.

"Oh! Oh! I know a few things about Yūrei. I searched them up when I was in my English class yesterday. The guys in my class won't shut up about them.", Jimin said and continued in a scared voice,

"Yūrei (幽霊) are figures in Japanese folklore analogous to the Western concept of ghosts. The name consists of two kanji, 幽 (yū), meaning "faint" or "dim" and 霊 (rei), meaning "soul" or "spirit". Alternative names include Bōrei (亡霊), meaning ruined or departed spirit, Shiryō (死霊), meaning dead spirit, or the more encompassing Yōkai (妖怪) or Obake (お化け). Like their Chinese, Korean, and Western counterparts, they are thought to be spirits barred from a peaceful afterlife.
They're not just any other spirit but one which hasn't left earth due to its personal grudges and vengeance. Yūrei are usually angry and lures people into committing suicide by taking advantage of their saddened heart and will to not live anymore. Sad and depressed people are at high risk of getting hunted down by a Yūrei.", Jimin ended his sentence with a loud sigh and immediately cuddled up to Yoongi, who sat with him on the same seat.

"Are you scared, Jimin-ssi?", Jin asked.

"Of course I am!", Jimin squeaked tightening his grip around Yoongi.

Jin laughed it off but quickly added, "I can't say anything to ya because I'm scared myself, Chimmy.", he laughed again hugging Namjoon which made everybody chuckle and lighten up the mood.

"Hey, Jimin.", Yoongi whispered to Jimin, gaining his attention, he continued, "It's okay to be scared, that's normal. But I want you to know that I'll protect from any harm, okay? Enjoy the trip to the fullest and leave the rest to me, yeah?"

Jimin looked lovingly at Yoongi and nodded his head vigorously, "I love you so much, Yoongi.", he claimed and kissed Yoongi on the cheek.

"I love you so much more, baby.", Yoongi replied and pecked the corner of Jimin's lips gently.

It was a gentle, genuine yet passionate peck. It was to let Jimin know that he meant each and every word he said to him.
He really is in love with Jimin.
[𖦹Resource: From Wikipedia and random Google websites + YouTube exploration videos.]

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