4. D-1. (morning)

21 11 0

"Yoongi hyung, get out fast or else we'll be late!"

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"Yoongi hyung, get out fast or else we'll be late!"

"Comin', comin'! Just a minute!", Yoongi yelled back while being in the bathroom.

He has accidentally fallen asleep in the bathroom for fifteen minutes until Jimin decided to check up on him, hence the reason why Jimin is trying to hurry things up.

"Be quick, you sloth!", Jimin huffed and ran a hand through his hair. He heard a knock on his door and went to open it,

"Hi Jimin-ssi! You ready?", Jeongguk asked and came inside along with the others following him behind with their backpacks.

"Yoongi slept inside the bathroom for fifteen minutes when I told him to get ready.", Jimin shrugged and took a seat on the bed with his friends sitting around.

"Typical Yoongi behaviour, tell us something new.", Jin commented and snorted at his own joke which made the others laugh as well.

"What's the lame joke?", Yoongi asked once he came out all set for the day.

"Min Yoongi is.", Jimin smirked and stuck his tongue out in front of Yoongi to tease him.

But hey, who was he teasing? Teasing the teaser himself?

"Jimin, I think yesterday's punishment wasn't enough for you. Would you like to explore some more?", he smirked victoriously when he saw how fast Jimin's face turned a flushed red color.

Several oooh's and aah's were heard from the others and pitiable remarks were made by Jimin.

Finally, after lots of bickering and love, they ate their breakfast and were now on their way to the infamous forest, AOKIGAHARA.

It wasn't very far from their hotel, so they were travelling by a random bus that the hotel provided 'em.

"Attention! Everyone, I'd really appreciate it if y'all could show some cooperation with me. We'll reach our destination in half an hour, till then you're free to do whatever.",

The professor announced gathering everybody's attention and continued,

"Since we have ten days to spend here, we'll explore everything in small portions. Today we'll only explore 1/4th area of the forest, hence we won't be going any deep. And obviously we're only going to explore the areas that are safe and meant for tourists."

"Hey, professor! Will you let us free after we've done today's exploring?", a random student asked and everybody agreed with him by saying stuff like 'that's a good question man!', 'exactly what I wanted to ask' and so on.

"Well, the answer to that is yes. Once we return, y'all are free to do whatever. But you must return to the hotel before midnight."

"Eh? Just till midnight? What are we? Teenagers?", Jeongguk muttered to his friends and ate a chocolate flavoured corn candy that he took with him from the hotel's lounge.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08 ⏰

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