Chapter 1: First Encounter?

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Becky's POV

As I walked through the bustling halls of our college campus, someone screamed out a name.

"Freeeeen..." Spotting Nam, my childhood friend and classmate, among the crowd, I saw her practically bouncing with excitement as she called out to a girl in the hallway. The girl slowly turned around, revealing distinct features and a thoughtful expression. My heart skipped a beat at the sight of her.

They greeted each other enthusiastically, and I couldn't help but wonder who she was and what she was doing here, clad in the same uniform as everyone else.

Before I could fully process their reunion, I realized I needed to get to our room, and unfortunately, I had to pass through their little reunion.

I tried to hurry past them unnoticed, but Nam had other plans. Before I knew it, she grabbed my arm, causing me to halt abruptly.

"Becky! Wait, I want you to meet my friend...Freen," Nam exclaimed, introducing her friend with palpable excitement.

"Hi, Becky," Freen greeted me with a nervous smile, offering her hand to shake, her voice tinged with uncertainty and shyness.

'Freen.' Her name stirred something within me.

Our eyes met, and for a moment it felt like something...unexplainable.

I ignored her hand and shifted my gaze to Nam, silently pleading for an escape route.

"Nam, I really need to go," I said, trying to mask my discomfort. With a quick excuse, I turned away without waiting for their response.

As I walked away, I couldn't help but reminisce about my childhood years with Nam and the other kids. Freen's presence felt unfamiliar, yet there was something oddly familiar about her gaze. 'She stared at she knows me,' I thought, pondering the unsettling feeling that lingered within me.

Pushing aside my conflicting emotions, I took a deep breath and focused on the present.


When I arrived at our classroom, I immediately chose a seat at the back and beside the window.

Since our professor hadn't arrived yet, I decided to read a book while listening to music.

I couldn't help but think about what I did to Freen earlier. She was introducing herself, but I didn't even acknowledge her hand. I felt a twinge of guilt. I don't know why I felt that way... I don't know if I was annoyed because it seemed like she knew me or I just cant stand her stare at me.

Her eyes, fixed on me earlier, seemed to have so much to say.

Lost in thought, I felt like someone sat on the right seat near me.

I blinked and looked to my right.

'Freen?' I said to myself. Does this mean we're classmates?

She smiled at me.

I don't know why, but my heart skipped a beat when our eyes met again. But because I didn't want her to read me, I gave her another cold stare. It's my self-defense mechanism when someone tries to befriend me.

This can't be happening. I was about to stand up to change seat, but Nam stopped me, holding both of my arms and whispered that our professor was already here.

I couldn't do anything but listen to the lecture.

I discreetly glanced at her from my peripheral vision and noticed that she seemed serious about our subject. I briefly studied her face. I tried to remember if I knew her before or not.

She also had a gentle face and beautiful eyes... She had this nice aura about her. She's pretty, though.

Wait. Am I having... a crush on her?


Freen's POV

"Freen!" I heard Nam's voice. I turned to her, and we exchanged greetings happily. We were in the middle of our conversation when suddenly Nam grabbed the arm of the girl passing by.

"Becky! Wait, I want you to meet my friend...Freen," Nam exclaimed, turning to me, urging me to talk to Becky.

"Hi, Becky," I said nervously, looking at her and offering my hand for a handshake.

It had been years since the last time I saw her. We were just in grade school back then. I looked at her.

Our eyes met, and suddenly, a wave of sadness washed over me. She didn't recognize all.

She had changed a lot, but her gentle beauty remained. However, there was no smile on her face like she always had before.

Her expression turned serious as she glanced at us. She shifted her gaze to Nam.

We waited for her response, but she just ignored my hand...and she abruptly excused herself, saying she needed to go ahead.

My smile faded, and it felt like I had been punched in the gut.

"Freen..." Nam asked me with concern.

Nam as one of our childhood friends, along with Becky, gave me a concern look. She's close to us and she knew what happened between us.

"It's okay, Nam, I'm okay," I almost struggled to say the last part. I felt a pang of hurt at her behavior. But I couldn't blame her.

"Just understand Becky for now, Freen. To be honest, she's changed a lot. She's not the cheerful Becky we used to know..." Nam said sadly as we watched Becky walk away.

I pondered. I know she got amnesia after her accident, but I don't understand why she's aloof with other people... What happened to her to become like that?

"Don't worry, Freen, maybe she'll return to being cheerful now that you're here. We're complete again," Nam added and put her arms on my shoulder, trying to lighten the mood.

I just forced a smile. "Yeah, I hope so, Nam."

"By the way, what's your room number?" she suddenly remembered to ask me.

"Wait... Room 422?"

"Really? Wow, we're classmates then... let's go!" she said happily, pulling me along.

Her infectious energy momentarily made me forget my worries.

When we arrived at the room.

As in a typical classroom, some were busy with their various conversations, while others were busy teasing each other.

But my gaze was diverted to a girl sitting on a chair alone, reading a book while wearing headphones.

"Don't be surprised, Becky's always like that... She has her own world," Nam whispered, also looking in the same direction.

There were two vacant seats next to her, one behind and one to her right... Nam pulled me and made me sit on the chair next to Becky's right. There was only a small gap between us.

She must have sensed us approaching and me sitting down... She looked up, and our eyes met again.

I can't explain what I felt. She's giving me a cold stare again. I saw nothing. No expression at all.

She was about to stand up when Nam held both of Becky's arms to prevent her from moving.

"Becky, the professor is here," Nam said, then she sat on the chair behind Becky.

Suddenly, our professor entered the room.

"Class, good morning," our professor greeted.

We responded to her, and after a few introductions, the lecture began.

I couldn't help but think. 'Was she about to leave? Does she not want me sitting next to her?' My heart ached, feeling the sting of rejection.

I don't know if going back to the Philippines was the right decision.

Did I really make the right choice?

[next chapter]

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