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"Merlin, what are you smirking at?" Arthur asked, peering up at his manservant as he filled his goblet with ale.

"Sire?" He questioned innocently.

Arthur narrowed his eyes suspiciously. "Merlin," he said, his voice lowering in a tone of warning.

Merlin's face suddenly split into a grin. "It is nothing, Sire, though I should warn you to prepare yourself."

"For what?"

Merlin didn't respond, he just grinned annoyingly and then stepped back into place behind his chair and into the shadows.

Arthur turned his focus towards his father when he suddenly stood from his throne, the banquet hall instantly falling quiet as all the servants, Knights and guests turned to him in their seats at the large tables.

"Thank you all for attending this evening and I apologise for the short notice period given. Tonight, you have all been asked to attend so you may help in welcoming a guest to Camelot. I have met with her briefly and I can say I have truly never before met a woman such as herself," King Uther spoke.

Arthur, who was sitting on his father's right, caught a quick glance of Morgana and Gwen sharing a confused look, before Morgana looked to him with a questioningly raised eyebrow. Arthur did his best to keep his expression blank though he must have failed as Morgana's face suddenly split into an amused smile. As far as Arthur knew, Morgana was not yet aware of Hermione's presence or her status as a Princess, the knowledge having been kept quiet so it may be revealed at the feast.

He wasn't looking forward to the teasing and comments he knew he would soon be receiving. Morgana never missed an opportunity to bring up the pretty physician they'd met in Ealdor and once she discovered Hermione's true identity, he knew it was only going to get worse. He'd have to do his best to avoid her.

"It is not yet known how long she is to stay in Camelot, but whilst she is here and for however long that may be, she will be treated as any royal and guest should."

Again, Morgana shot him a glance, a slightly suspicious look in her narrowed eyes as though she knew exactly who would be staying as their guest.

"Please, join me in welcoming from the faraway Kingdom of Hogwarts, the Granddaughter of King Godric of Gryffindor, Princess Hermione Gryffindor."

The large doors were pulled open by the guards, whispers picking up amongst the guests as they all waited for their first glance of the Princess.

Arthur had honestly never been more surprised and he'd never seen such beauty, as Hermione stepped out of the shadows and into the lit banquet hall. He was unable to find a word to describe her beauty and he felt his head swim with fog, his hands clenching around the armrests of his throne tightly and his breathing seemed to stop. He couldn't tear his eyes away from her even if he'd tried. If she'd been beautiful with messy hair and wearing a dirty shirt and breeches, then were no words to describe how she looked when she stepped into view.

The ruby-red dress she wore clung to her body in a way he'd never before seen. Though it wouldn't be considered inappropriate as only her shoulders and neck were displayed, the way it formed around her body as if it were a second skin, showed her feminine figure. Her hair, despite being the same tangled curls he remembered, no longer looked wild and bushy, rather it looked soft and smooth as it hung down her back with one or two strands framing her face. The tiara atop her head not only drew attention due to the rubies reflecting in the firelight, but it looked as though it were meant to be worn by her. Her face was relaxed, her features kind and soft and her hands were delicately clasped in front of her body and her large wolf stood proudly and protective by her side, his eyes taking in his surroundings cautiously but otherwise he remained calm.

The Dragon, The Sorcerer and The Witch Out of TimeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ