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Hermione's start to the morning hadn't been all that pleasant. She'd been awake and dressed for the day long before Ginevra had the chance to wake her. When the young girl had arrived with breakfast, she'd spilt Hermione's tea all over the small dining table and almost dropped her food but luckily Hermione had been able to save it.

Ever since, Ginevra had been a sniffling, shaking mess as she stood by the door, eyes downcast whilst Hermione ate as much of her food as she could manage, noticing that there was surprisingly more than there had been the previous day.

Once she'd finished her breakfast and Ginevra returned her dishes to the kitchens, Hermione took the opportunity to add a hidden pocket into her soft purple dress, conjured a small pouch and placed a handful of coins inside before stashing it in her pocket. By the time she'd finished, Ginevra returned and with the young girl and Akela by her side, they left her chambers.

They headed through the castle and towards the entrance courtyard where annoyingly, Hermione found two guards who stood to attention as soon as she came into view. They both wore brown breeches tucked into brown leather boots, a red tunic bearing a golden dragon on the chest, chainmail and a helmet and they both carried spears and swords were strapped to their hips.

"Your Highness," the first spoke as they both bowed. "We have been assigned to escort you out of the castle for your protection."

"Wonderful," she muttered. She shouldn't have been surprised as King Uther had ordered it, but still, she'd hoped he would change his mind. "In that case, please remove your helmets so I may look upon the faces of my protectors."

They shared a surprised glance before reaching up with their free hand to remove their helmets, showing their faces. They were younger than Hermione had thought they would be, maybe in their early-twenties but definitely no older. They both had tanned skin but one was a shade lighter than the other, they both had dark green eyes but were one had short dark hair, the other had shaggier blonde hair. She wondered of their parentage as they both had pointed and angular features, something that was often considered to be features of aristocracy.

"And what are your names?"

Again, they shared a glance, likely having never been asked such a question by a royal or noble.

"I am Emerick," the blonde spoke.

"I am Michel," the other said.

"Well, Emerick, Michel, I am certain you have already been told who I am, but I shall introduce myself, I am Hermione. I don't care for being addressed so formally, so if you would prefer it, you may call me by my given name. I know your presence in the city will cause suspicion but I would like to keep my identity a secret for as long as possible, so please, try not to address me so when in crowded areas," she said, their eyes widening in further surprise. "This is Akela," she gestured to the large wolf at her side and gave him a pet on the head when he nudged at her hand.

When she brought note to the wild animal, she saw their forms stiffen as their eyes darted to him nervously, curiously, suspiciously. Akela simply gave them a look, Hermione taking it to mean he most definitely didn't approve of her having guards as he took it as an insult that the King didn't think he was capable of protecting her just fine by himself. She barely held in her snort of amusement; it was best not to scare the guards any more than she already had with such unladylike behaviour.

"Like you, he will be with me to protect me from harm. If you leave him be, he won't bother you. And this is Ginevra," she introduced, gesturing behind her with a tip of her head, hearing the young girl let out a squeak and she sighed in annoyance. "She is my handmaiden for the time being, that may very well change if she does not prove herself capable of handling me when I am at my worst," she said, sending the young girl a pointed look over her shoulder. "Have you been informed why it is I need a guard?"

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