An activity to destress to📺 | Mkulia (fluff)

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It was late, already midnight. MK wasn't sleeping yet. She was bothered all night. Her mind was filled with sorrow and anxiety. At that time, she was lying on her bed, facing the ceiling. She was impatiently waiting for her girlfriend, Julia, to return home with the money prize. She was competing in Total drama Reboot World Tour, being one of the three finalists, once again. (...)

MK, dressed in plain PJ's, was glaring at emptiness. She should've been already sleeping, however, she's been upset and worried, that her partner won't win.

Suddenly, a dorbell has rung. MK, in spite of being exsausted, ran downstairs with joy and hope. She already arrived at the door, looking through a small window in the porch. She quickly opened the door and Julia appeared in front of her.

"JULIUS!!!!" (:3) MK cheerfully yelled, even though she should be quiet at such hour.

"BUTTKNUCKLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Julia said back and both hugged themselves with care and worry.

"I missed you a lot, and you haven't even won" MK said flustrated.

"Are you being ungrateful you little shit?" Julia pet her, misplacing her beanie by carresing her head.

"Nah, you know I love you."

Both of them were lying on their backs in MK's bedroom.

 "There's is so much things to talk about that happened there! Damien, Wayne and some others came out.. who I don't really care about, Nichelle, unfortunately, got the job as a holywood actress.. this stupi-  Well, also FINALLY Bowie was one of the first boots.. and you look upset." Julia informed, gently turning MK's face, by holding her chin (rizz).

"I just- haven't slept well recently, waiting for you to come.." MK responded, making an eye contact with her beloved. "I just- needed you at the moments you couldn't be there for me. I haven't stopped thinking of that in DAYS.."

Julia stared back with a blank stare which turned into a smirk.

"Wanna do something?"

MK was completely clueless. What could Julia think of doing? Knowing her anything could be possible.

  "Wanna watch something?" She said "Like.. regardless of genre.. MLP?"

MK widened her eyes as they filled up with excitement. despite it being a childish cartoon, she didn't disagree, nodding with a wide smile on her face. 

 "So I take that as a yes?" Julia asked, looking directly at MK.

  "Of course."

Julia grabbed a remote of a TV MK had in her room, turned on Netflix {I'm not even sure if MLP is on Netflix so let's just pretend there is} and wrapped her arm around her girlfriend, while MK laid on her shoulder.


422 words🙇‍♀️


Again, a short oneshot
but they've been waiting for AGES (1 month) for it 😣😣
it's better to have very few than none yk 
First time writing from my laptop
I'll start writing y'all Rajbow and Mkulia chapters without requesting
Just making them for some goobers who deserve to read it

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