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It had taken me quite sometime to come to terms that my parents were no more.And a week  after their  burial, my father's lawyer came to me and said that my father had debts in the bank 🏦 that he had not yet settled before he died.
"What do you mean that he had debts, and I was not made aware of?"I confronted the lawyer.

"There are many things that you were not aware of?"the lawyer said looking right into my eyes.
"Do you mean that there still things that I don't know?!! Like what exactly and don't you dare leave anything out"I said sternly.

"Okay I'll tell you but you have to stay calm,"he said and I nodded.
"After the alliance between you and Henry your father transferred his company shares into your and Henry's name since he didn't want him to feel inferior to you. The contract was to take action soon after his death. We never anticipated that he will die so soon.

"The bank has planned to sale this house on auction so as to get their money back."What he said left me dumb founded.
"Do you mean that the house is going to be sold on auction but this is all that my parents left for me?"I never thought that things will become much worse than they already were.

"The bank is giving you only three days to vacate and look for a place to stay."he said with finality.
"Is there no other that we could repay them?"I ask hopefully.
"There is no any other way,"he said breaking the little hope that was left within me. With that he left without saying a word more.

How did all this things happen within this short span of time? Everything is going the opposite of how I anticipated it to happen.My parents are gone and I'm left with no one , the ones who I thought would be by side they left after getting whatever they wanted.

Within the three days I looked for an apartment online and I got one that met my requirements, using the money that I had in my account. The only thing that was left was to leave out my former home where I grew up. After I moved out I started job hunting since the money in my account was   not that much and I had needs as a human.

I have not told Samantha about what happened,I don't want to make her worried about me. I've already made her worry enough about me. I hope that soon I'll find a job that will be able to satisfy my needs.

It took me days to find an appropriate job for my liking.The Carter enterprises were looking for designers for their company, who could bring new things on the table.At the University I did a major in arts and design and I absolutely love designing.The interview was going to take place the day after tomorrow and I had to prepare for it.I have to nail this interview.

Two days later:
I walked into the Carter enterprises building dress in the most elegant attire that I could pull up.I wore a fitted black coloured dress that reached slightly below the knees,my hair was pulled up into a burn and just put a little make up on my face. Some mascara and lip gloss which highlighted my natural beauty.

I walked to the receptionist who directed me to the conference room where the  interview was going to take place. When I reached at the waiting area I saw almost twenty people already waiting at the line ,most of the ladies there were dressed to impress as if they came to look for spouses.

I took my seat after the last person and busied myself with my phone playing Candy crush since it will take time it my time is due.It took sometime for the interview to commence. Everyone took their turn and soon it was my turn, though I had prepared well for it I couldn't help it getting nervous as hell when I walked through the double doors of the conference hall. My whole body was shaking but I had to pull myself together because I have to give it my very best shot.

When I walked in the conference hall I was slightly taken aback when I saw the man that help me in the club before my parents died. It took me some second to register that he was the interviewer.I walked elegantly to the seat,he had not yet seen me since his focus was on some documents on the table.I stood in front of the table waiting to be invited to seat down.

"Pardon my manners,you may take a seat,"he said raising his eyes from his file. Astonishment filled his face on seeing me,but he was able to recover quickly as if nothing happened.He knew how to mask his feeling easily, how impressive.I thought.
He still looked handsome, the way I remembered and I couldn't help but stare at him. 

"So we meet again Ms. Johnson,"he said while looking at my resume."... your work is impressive I see.Your designs are simple but elegant making one look like a Nobel,"he continued as he went through my sketches. He went through my work for sometimes and finally his attention turned to me.

"Your work is magnificent and I will be a fool if I let you go, I will hire you and make you the chief designer of my company. Because the last chief designer had gone abroad for further studies. But for that to  happen I have an offer for you,"he said looking straight into my eyes, his words made me a bit confuse.

"And what offer is that?"I asked feeling alarmed.
"Marry me?"he said it with more casualty as if he talking about the weather.

"Are you crazy or something?"I asked raising my voice."...if it's a must that I marry you to get the proposal then I'm sorry,"I said collecting my files ready.

Blake's pov:

She got ready to leave but I have to look for ways to stop her.
"Before you leave look at this," I say handing her my cellphone.Her expression change after she saw the article that concerned me and her.
"Think about everything very careful because I have to save my reputation somehow and this the only choice that I'm left with,"I had to look for ways to make her my wife even if it's using the stupidest reason ever and I wish she may fall for it.

"There is also a video of down there, that the CCTV footage of your parents accident,"she looked at the footage very careful not to miss anything.
"It wasn't an accident, they were killed!!! How did you find this? "She asked shaking.

"I have my own ways. Agree to my offer and help you get revenge."She looked at me for sometimes as if she needed time to think about everything.
"Here is my card after you have a decision give me a call, don't take long we don't have a life time."I said closing the discussion.

Lots of love 😘
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