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Valeria's pov:

After leaving from the CEO's office I went straight home.I had to think about everything that happened thoroughly. I called Samantha, because I wanted her to help in choosing the best decision possible.
I didn't want to make any decisions that I will regret in the future.
"Where should we meet?"Samantha asked from the phone.
"Let's meet at our usual place,at the coffee shop,"I said into the phone with urgency.

I ordered for an Uber that would take me to my destination. It took at least eight minutes to arrive at the coffee shop. When I arrived I chose a table by the window facing the door. I ordered for cup of Expresso and cup of black coffee for Samantha and some pastry while waiting for Samantha.

After five minutes I saw Samantha walking through the entrance, and started looking around until she spotted me and I waved to her. She walked towards me looking very anxious.
"Why do you look like you received terrifying news,?"I asked chuckling.
"I'm fine, thank you,"She said sarcastically while taking a seat opposite me.
"Okay I'm sorry,how have you been?"
"I'm the one supposed to ask you that,"Samantha said with concern.

I took sometime to answer because I didn't know what to say to her how my life took a huge turn after my parents' death.
"What happened, that needed my presence immediately?"She asked after taking a breather.She left me with no choice except telling her the whole story.

"All that occurred and you never thought it was a good idea to tell me, I was supposed to be your best friend,"she said a little hurt.
"Okay, I'm sorry I never wanted to worry you. I promise I'll never keep anything from you,"I said batting my eyes.

"So you said 'the CEO of Carter enterprises' proposed to you,"she said wriggling her eyebrows. Her words made my face to turn beet red.
"It wasn't a proposal?"
"Then, what do you call it mhm?"her words left dumb founded.
"Cat caught your tongue?"she asked amused
What she said made some sense, it was just like a proposal.

"I called you here to help me in making the right choice not making fun of me,"I reminded her getting annoyed.
"If you think that he may help you in getting revenge,then I'm not standing on your way. But you should right r an agreement on how your relationship should be. To avoid him betraying you,"what she said made sense since I just met him I couldn't trust just anyone. This clicked an idea to my mind.

"What about a contract, in the contract we can write our expectations and the duration of time the agreement will last, each one of us can keep a copy."I said.
"I support your idea, it's superb, but if you think that it's taking a toll on you I'll help you get an annulment, okay."she said reassuring me of my safety. I was so lucky to get a friend like her. Now the only thing that was left to was to call him and tell him about my decision.

When I arrived home and settled down,I called him, after the first ring he answered,
"Have you already made your decision," came his husky voice after he picked up. "How did you know it was me,"I asked.
"I have my own ways,I hope you chose the right decision possi..."
"My answer is yes, I have accepted your offer but I have conditions,"I didn't let him finish whatever he wanted to say and told him my decision in on breath. I was getting anxious with every moment that I was talking to him.

"Okay let's meet up, send me your address and come there,"said before I hang up.He was coming here what should I do.I thought becoming anxious.
Wait for him to arrive, my conscious mocked

Blake's pov:

Since the moment she stepped out of my office, I have been restless because I didn't know what she was going to choose. My restlessness was heightened the moment that I got a call from her. I had gotten her phone number from the hospital documents, that's how I knew it was her.

She said 'yes', she agreed to my proposal. Her answer made my heart do some flip flops. She made me the happiest person on earth with just her answer.I told her that we should meet at her place,so that I could here her conditions.I was ready to anything she wanted as long as she agreed to marry me. I got up from my swivel chair after taking my car key. I took my car from the basement and drove to the address she sent to me a moment ago.

I knocked on her door for several times before the door was opened revealing her in a plain white shirt and black pants that barely reached her knees.
'Oh wow 😲,can she get more beautiful?' I thought seeing her after several hours. She had worn casual clothes but didn't hide how beautiful she was.

"Umm, you may come in,?" She said awkwardly that's when I realized I was caught staring.I faked a cough before walking in. I looked around her apartment which I found small but cozy just like herself. She motioned me to the living room where I made myself comfortable.

" What will you have?" She asked walking to the kitchen.
"Anything is fine with me,"I said looking at her. My glances always made her uncomfortable but she tried to masked it but she failed miserably. She came with two cups of coffee and gave me one before she took her seat.

"You said you had some conditions,"I said starting the conversation.
"I have some conditions but I'd like them written down on a contract,"she said after placing her cup on the coffee table.
"Let's see what you want and I'll see if it's rational.

She laid down all her condition but one was unacceptable. She wanted us to leave in different houses, that's absurd!! I mean how can we convince others that we were married. And we reached to a conclusion that we live in the same house but different rooms.

Thanks for your support.
Love you ❤️ all.

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