Prologue: Most Hated in Konoha

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"Demon"- human talking

'Fuck you'- human thoughts

"Kid" -summons speaking

'Human'- summons thoughts

"Kit"- tail beasts talking

'This kit' -tail beasts thought

[Really] -translation

Prologue: Most Hated in Konoha


◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇Start Chapter◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇

Narrators pov:

In the Village Hidden in the Leaves, better known as Konoha, all the villagers live peaceful lives except one 4-year-old orphan boy by the name of Naruto Uzumaki. Naruto wasn't your typical run-of-the-mill orphan. He was like all orphans without parents. He was like every orphan lonely. He was like every orphan sad. However, unlike almost every orphan who was looked at with kindness or pity. No instead Naruto Uzumaki with looks filled mostly with disdain and hatred. Simply walking down the streets incurred several cruel beatings. He had no idea why but nearly the entire population of Konohagakure no Sato seems to hate him. Naruto had very few he could consider precious to him, in fact, Naruto could count the many people precious to him and who don't seem to hate him on one hand. Those people are Hiruzen Sarutobi whom Naruto has dubbed Hokage Jiji, Ayame a girl who helps her father run a nearby ramen shop who is always kind to him, and Teuchi-oji the father of Ayame who runs the ramen shop who always welcomes him whom he calls old man.

Even at the orphanage, Naruto had once stayed in before he had been kicked out, he had been faced with hatred. Naruto learned early in life he could not rely on anyone at the orphanage to take care of him. Ever since he learned to walk on his own the matron of the orphanage started to treat him like trash. He was not allowed to play with the other children his age even when he managed to talk to them, they would sneer at him and tell him in no uncertain words, that a monster like him was not welcome in their group. This of course had always made Naruto sad and then he left to be on his own.

Walking the streets of his village was always like a trial of fire for Naruto. At a young age, Naruto learned to take careful measures to remain as unnoticeable as possible. If he was spotted by a civillain they would always seem to point at him shouting how the demon was here and to get him. When that happens Naruto would take off running for his life running through lanes and alleys, sometimes taking a shortcut through some shop, entering from the front door, and exiting from the back. Overall, doing whatever it takes to escape a beating. However, it was always suspicious how even when he was young Naruto almost was always able to escape from the mob. What no one, including Naruto, knew was that Naruto had some quirks. Naruto had some quirks that he never told anyone about.

One of Naruto's first quirks was Naruto had an eidetic memory, which is the ability to remember and recall anything he saw or heard once, in great detail. Naruto loved to read books but didn't know why he could recall every page of the book, down to the exact words. Though Naruto loved to read he could never let it be known always hiding the books that he enjoys to read knowing if they were found the villagers would destroy them. More times than not since Naruto has no friends to play with he would be found in only places in the village if he was not at home or visiting the the third Hokage. Those places are Ichuiraku's ramen shop or in a secluded clearing in the woods training in secret. Naruto spent a lot of time reading and training in secret. The way Naruto gets his reading material and weapons are not the same way most in his village do. He didn't tell anyone of his ability or about his secret training not even his Jiji, fearing if it got out he would get beaten for having a 'freakish traits' or to be put in his place since Naruto knew the villagers would most likely try to kill him more often if they knew of his training or special ability so he did not become a threat in the future.

However, useful the ability may be Naruto had quickly found the downside of such an ability. He found out the first time when running from a large mob, he accidentally entered an alley that had a dead end. There was no escape for him that day. When the mob had corned him Naruto got punched, kicked, hit with blunt objects, and stabbed with weapons until he fell unconscious from the pain. When he next woke up he mysteriously in his room at the orphanage healed up, he was very happy he didn't die but sometimes he wished he had. The downside of his ability was that when he at night when he tried to sleep but would get nightmares the nightmares involved him experiencing to the last detail the beatings he got from the mobs. It was a downside that Naruto has experienced many times over the years on the days that he failed to escape the mobs that he still suffers occasional nightmares from. Which was why some nights he never sleeps peacefully because he relives those moments. Another one of his quirks was a sort of sensory ability. He could sense danger if it was coming at him. However, it was a subconscious ability of sorts, activating only when he was in danger. But it was very useful in avoiding punches and stones that came when his back was turned. His subconscious sensor ability also comes more in handy as it often helps him avoid or get away from the mob. Even while so young Naruto learned quickly how to survive in the village so that he could live to see the next day. Every day Naruto wonders if that day would be his last. Naruto knew he was the most hated person in Konoha with only a few in the village that didn't seem to hate him there are more but Naruto does not know about them at the moment.

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