Prologue - Three minutes

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Third POV~

  You and Emerson stared at the body of the dead man with what felt like forever. 

  Well, not forever forever, more like three minutes but a lot can happen in just three minutes.

  For starters all you were trying to do was see what the big deal with the fight between Heaven and Hell was all about, well in reality Emerson forced you to leave home to check it out, but also because you did not understanding why they, that being Heaven and Hell, were fighting in the first place. Well, you knew why they were fighting but you didn't understand the need for it. They could have easily found different solutions to manage Hell's population, which is what the princess of Hell did, and you were impressed but sceptical of her idea. You saw what she as trying to do, you saw everything after all.

  And I mean everything.

  From the hotel starting, to the hardships, to the walk outs, arguments, ect. Just as though you were actually there to witness everything happen. 

  Although, you actually weren't there. Atleast physically you weren't, you watched everything happen through the giant glass ball you had. You had no clue what it was called, so you just referred to it as your magical circle. And its not like you didn't wanna come sooner, you just didn't really have the energy to do such a thing. After all you did live in water, not land, and you also didn't wanna have to interact with any of the residents of the hotel or residents of Hell.

  But the day you do decide to show yourself, the day you decide to come see all the commotion with the fighting, the last three minutes.

  And this is exactly what happened in those three minutes.

  You saw a man. The first man to be exact, yelling at all the residents who were in the hotel, his golden eyes burning with a rage. You weren't really listening to his speech since, well, you could honestly care less and also you didn't really understand anything he was saying since you walked in about him talking about his ex-wife's? Or something like that. Then all of a sudden he was on the floor, being stabbed to death by a small...child? 

  "What in the world..." You heard Emerson mumble besides you, his tealish color eyes staring at the scene with a kind of disturbed look by how the smaller female was gruesomely stabbing the mans back repeatedly, golden blood going everywhere around her. "That's gotta hurt, ouch. I knew he was a dick, but god damn.. I mean karma I suppose." He said while shrugging, you nodded in agreement, still watching the scene unfold before you from where you and Emerson both stood behind a wall from a far, no one being able to see either of you. 

  "Well, I think we should head back." Emerson said while pulling his attention from all the people after the whole fiasco ended, the Angels leaving since Hell had won.

  You snapped your gaze back towards him before looking at the dead body on the ground, "I guess.." A thought then came to you.

  "(Y/N)... Don't even think about it."

  "Oh c'mon.. I could try it!"

  "No." He then grabbed your arm to pull you back towards the woods, back to water where you both lived.

  "But... But- C'mon! I think I could pull it off!" You then glared at him, "and let go jackass!?" You smacked the arm that he was using to pull you with and yanked your arm away, crossing your arms.

  "You don't even know if it would even work!"

  "Exactly why I must try it out! It would be fun!"

  You both when back and forth for a few minutes, three minutes to be exact. 

  Until Emerson finally gave in.

  He sighed before rolling his eyes, closed them, then held the bridge of his nose. "Fine. But I'm not helping." You smiled up at him with glee, your eyes having a mischievous glint to them. 

  "You won't regret it!" You then huredly walked back over to the corner where you were just hiding.

  "I already am.." He mumbled while rolling his eyes, his arms crossed while he watched with annoyance and boredom, wanting to go home. "I regret convincing you to come up here, we should have just stayed home."

  You ignored him while making sure no one was watching you, before snapping your fingers and a portal opened underneath the dead corpse, causing it to fall through. "Ok... Lets go!" You snapped your fingers again and another portal opened in front of you and you walked through it, Emerson quickly following suit. 

  "Tada! Did it!" You said after the portal closed, back in the woods in the middle of the woods in front of the black pond that was huge. Still less, life less, home sweet home. The body was already there, lying in some mud. Oh well. "Your carrying the body by the way.

  "What? No-" Before Emerson could argue you already jumped into the water, your fish like features returning as soon as you were fully submerged. Your blackish blue (or just black) tail, the slightest bit of (F/C) on the tip of the finns of your tail when light would hit it. Your fingers webbed once more, your gills that were on your neck returned, and everything. You brought your head back up over the water, flipping him off before swimming down again back towards where you both lived.

  Emerson sighed, mumbling under his breath, complaining but grabbed the foot of the body and dragged him harshly through the water, his features also returning. He began to swim down as well, going back to the shared home between you two. Then once he was back, he picked the body up and placed it on a table in the house, "there. That's all I'm going to do." 

  "Thank you!"

  He rolled his eyes, not responding, and went to do his own thing.

  "Well, now since its just us two, lets get to work." You said while grabbing whatever you could find, along with a book, flipping to a page and got to work.

  Meanwhile, back at the hotel which was now rebuilt, a red deer demon saw the whole thing, the whole three minutes. His red eyes shined with a curious and amused glint as he watched from the shadows, his wide smile stretched across his face as he was watching as you and your companion took the body, then left through a portal to god knows where. 

  It intrigued him, a lot. Specifically you did, he thought it was odd, how you wanted to take the dead body but who was he to judge? 

  He finally stepped out of the shadows, snapping his fingers before his shadow appeared. He turned to look at his companion, his smile unwavering which managed to grow slightly wider as he spoke. "Find them." And with that, his shadow took off.

(Hey y'all, sorry that I took awhile to write this, I hope everything makes since and hope you enjoy it!)

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