《Chapter 11 ● A slip》

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"Get out of my sight!"

My father's voice echoed in my ears. As I sat on the balcony of the mansion, a place I never really sat at before. This is always Dono's place to come and de-stress. It's not too bad, but I'm trying not to get back into any habits.

After that phone call in the parking lot with my father, things didn't go as planned when I arrived back home


"Where's the money, Calix?" Brian demanded, but I couldn't care less for his dumb bet that I didn't even agree too

"I don't owe you any money, Brian." My attempt to walk away was unsuccessful when one of his minions grabbed my shoulder back

"You're not going anywhere until I get my money." Brian persisted for something I don't even owe him

"Listen, man, I'm gonna say this foe the last time. I don't owe you any money, and I don't want to hear about this again."

I shook the other guy's hand off and proceeded to walk away. Unfortunately for me, that was a mistake. My vision went blank for a second, and a sting was all I could feel before my overwhelming rage could overtake. I turned around and just stared at him. It's not a good idea for me to fight back, I might kill him... but he's no ordinary student here. He just so happens to be a part of the rival gang to my father, the 3 snakes. So technically, I can kill him if we were on school grounds.

"What's wrong, Calix? You look like you're going to cry." Brian continued to mock. "I know what can get you crying faster."

Without a second thought, Brian pulled out a knife from his blazer. What the hell! In less than a second, he already tried to strick me. Now I have no choice but to fight back. I managed to knock the knife out of his hand, but that just led to our fist fight. Brian isn't as big as I am, but he isn't small either. I'd say we're both about the same size, although I am stronger than him and taller. The fight exculaled quickly but was stopped just as fast as my homeroom teacher intervened and stopped the fight.

"Desmond! Baldwin! My class! Now!" My teacher barked

"Shit.." I mumbled to myself. This isn't going to end well.

"What happened?"

Donovan ran towards me the moment I entered the class. He heard what happened, well everyone has. Who wouldn't hear about the biggest fight to take place in this school, the school's bully, and the school's most popular guy.

"3 snakes." I muttered very softly, only loud for him to hear

"Desmond, your behavior is unexceptable. I will be calling your father in regards to this. As for you, Baldwin, your parents will also be receiving a call for your behavior." If only this teacher knew what he's getting himself into

"Do as you please, sir. Just know Calix started this fight." Brian grinned as he took his seat


"That's enough! Both of you, go and sit down now."

"Aren't you forgetting to call our parents, sir?" Brian blurted out and then acted all surprised as if he didn't know what he was doing

"Right? I'll do that now." My teacher, Mr Leon, pulled his phone out and called

"Sir, this is unnecessary.." I tried to speak, but it was too late

"Hi, Mr Desmond. Sorry to disturb you, sir, how are you?"

Mr Leon spoke to my father, and I was able to hear what they were talking about until Mr Leon handed the phone to me.

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