De Jteset Lief Iz Gon Kiel U

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titti was so saed wehn her frends deid nd she creid 4 1 hour str8

getard h8d c ing her cri so he gvae her hed so hsw would stpo

"pls stpo cri titti ur maekin me sade" getard sed

"ok" titti stoped cri nd getard sar on her faec

frnk nd peat had soecks but peat got aids so they stopdi

"frnk u gaev me aids y u do dis" peat shot frnk but tiiti jumped in frnt og the rifle an savde frnk but she deid

getard bcame depressd bc his wief had deid os he cut off his willi

"getard y u do" frnk sed teers dripping donw hes cheacks

"bc i ken only yuse mu willi 4 1 prson nd she deid an iz ur falut bc u shiulda deid" nd getard shot frnk

"getad i thot u lobed m" frnk sed as he doid

"i h8 u" sfter getard kield frnk he infollowd him on tweater

to b conituenf

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