chapter 26

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"He's not interested you can leave"

Everyone turned their heads to see who spoke.

"Oh hi shub-" Abhishek says walking towards Shubman to greet him.

Mayank let out a small 'ohh' before pulling Abhishek to the bar. "Let's go get some drinks buddy"

"Wait when did we become buddies?" Abhishek whispers bit confused.

"Just now. Let's go come on" Mayank says while dragging Abhishek by the arm, Leaving Ishan standing alone there.

"You can leave" Shubman says to the girl giving her one last look.

Ishan reminds silence taking a drink from a nearby counter. Every time Ishan has ever felt strongly emotional about something or someone, his first instinct has always been to run as far as he can. But today he waited to face what was coming, he waited for a whole 16 seconds, and he counted each burning second before that someone came to stand in front of him.

"Ish I know you don't want to talk but, please let me explain myself" Shubman says bringing Ishan out of his thoughts.

"Always so stubborn" Ishan scoffs putting the now empty glass on the table.

"Ish- please, let me explain everything" shubman whispers.

"And what exactly is this 'everything'?" Ishan sniffles, blinking away the tears that brim in his eyes.

Shubman sighs, nervously gulping, "Everything. Every secret I kept from you, every mistake I made, every lie I ever told you. I had my reasons for that."

"And you plan to explain your reasons in a club full of people?" Ishan notices the hesitation Shubman shows to make any move. "Let's go somewhere private" With slightly trembling feet Ishan walks towards the exit, leaving Shubman to follow after him.





"Ishan, well... firstly... I'm sorry." Shubman fidgets with the hem of the jacket trying to hold it while the wind tries its best to make it fly.

Ishan raised his eyebrow at him as if challenging him to go into details. "What for?"

"For not acting up on time and not stopping you. Only if I had explained to you everything back on our hotel balcony everything would've been so much easier." Shubman says his gaze fixed on Ishan.

Ishan notices the vulnerability that swims in those words the genuine guilt, the shame. "Then why didn't you do that?" He asks.

"You know how hard it is to make a name for yourself don't you?" Shubman says feeling his tears streaming down his face. "I don't love her, there's nothing between me and Sara. I was just doing what my PR told me to do."

"Who are you trying to fool here? Shubman, you do love her, for years you have" Ishan says tasting the bitterness of his own words as soon as they leave his mouth.

Shubman shakes his head "It was never love, it was just a crush I only liked her-"

"Liked her enough to chose her."

"I did not! I want you, ish, please! If you just let me explain-"

"You wanted me? You are just spitting lies in my face right now. If you had truly wanted me back, then you would've fucking stop me and called off that stupid relationship you had with her" Ishan snaps "You don't want me and you never did."

"It's not like that I swear. Of course, I'd choose you over her any day you're my best friend how could I not?" Shubman pleaded, trying to make Ishan listen to him. But Ishan wanted nothing of it though.

Maybe!! Maybe Not?? (ishman/shubish)Where stories live. Discover now