chapter 27

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Shubman takes a deep breath as he stands outside Ishan's door. He's familiar with the place enough to just press in the passcode and enter without knocking like he used to do before but he knows he has no right to do that anymore he runs a hand in his hair in frustration.

Shubman squeezes his eyes shut before he quickly reaches out and presses the doorbell, He stands his ground suppressing the urge to just run away it's not a game of ringing the doorbells and running away this is something more serious. Shubman flinches when he hears a loud thud followed by cursing coming from inside, there's some shuffling before the sound of feet padding on the floor grows louder and louder.

Then he hears the click of the door before it swings open, revealing a very furious Ishan "Who-"

Ishan cut himself off eyes, widening when they met Shubman's on the other side of the door. Ishan blinks as Shubman stares, completely frozen in his spot.

"Why are you here?" Ishan asks breaking the silence. "If you're here to go through it all over again then don't even bother"

"I'm... I just had f-few drinks- I mean I got drunk and now I don't remember my way back home" Shubman shuffles on his feet flushing with embarrassment and hoping Ishan doesn't catch on his lie.

Ishan frowns his eyebrows "And what does that have to do with me? Open Google Maps and follow the directions"

"I don't remember the passcode either" Shubman gave him a quick look.

"Call your manager? Ask for a key or something?" Ishan argues.

"Just let me stay the night?" Shubman begs "For old time's sake?"

"For old time's sake" Ishan scoffs.

Shubman nodes, he steps in and shuts the door behind him before following Ishan into the living room.

"What were you doing before I came?" Shubman asks noticing how the stuff from the coffee table is knocked down on the floor.

"Oh it just fell down with me"


"I got scared by the doorbell, I'm sure you've heard the thud"

"Are you serious?" Shubman blinks.

"You think I'm joking right now? While having this on my forehead?" Ishan asks raising his eyes while pointing at the top of his forehead.

Shubman's eyes moved up to Ishan's forehead which had bruises and a tiny bump. Shubman shakes his head in disbelief "You're so fucking dumb" he says while marching into the kitchen. He makes his way back to Ishan with ice wrapped in a towel.

"Here press this against the bump" Shubman says reaching out to give Ishan the ice, only to get his hand swatted away in return.

"It'll swell even more ish" Shubman whines trying to press the ice on Ishan's forehead.

"Don't touch it" ishan hisses.

"Alright then enjoy being ugly for 3 days with a big ass bump on your forehead" Shubman snaps.

Ishan turns to look at him, thinking hard before agreeing "Fine, but be gentle."

Shubman nods reaching out to press the ice when Ishan shifts next to him. Shubman tries not to stare at Ishan's neck, tries not to dwell on how the marks he left have disappeared completely without a trace, they would've it's been so long. He leans closer, looking into Ishan's eyes. It's been so long is all Shubman can think about, he wants to touch, he wants to wrap his arms around Ishan's body, he wants to kiss him badly and tell him how much he loves him.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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