15 - shit goes down

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26th-28th march, 1994
5000 words
tw: overall violence, anxiety, etc. it's THE chapter so plan accordingly 💓

"i have an idea." lupin said, a day before the full moon. he still had no idea that harry knew. "what if you both thought about the same happy memory and tried to fight to the dementor together?"

"do you know what we're doing in defense against the dark arts today, lilli?" ron asked me.

"no, he's ill again. i reckon snape will have to cover his class again."

"is he quite alright, this seems to happen nearly every month?" hermione pushed, i prayed it was merely an innocent question and she hadn't caught on yet. thankfully harry managed to cover the question for me with something about common colds and it didn't escalate any further.

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"students, take out your parchment on the werewolves again. we're note taking today, all class." instead of using the subtle eye contact snape had made with me the previous times, he emphasized the word and stared directly at me, to the point where multiple kids turned and looked at me with confusion on what the meaning was.

when class got over, we were done with all of our classes for the day and had an empty afternoon for the first time in a while. "guys, do you want to go and visit hagrid?" ron asked. harry and hermione nodded with excitement. they saw my confusion and continued, "sorry lillia, we always used to go and visit hagrid and this year, we've invited you a few times, but often you're busy and it's been a long time since we went. do you want to come, though?"

"... sure,"

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hagrid lived alone in a small hut behind the school, he was an excellent host, baking a handful of treats for all his visitors. although they were inedible, we pretended to eat them because it's the thought that counts.

after a long while of hanging out, it was time to go back to the castle, it was getting very late. as we snuck back, ron yelped and we turned around.

"he bit me! scabbers bit me!" ron burst as he impulsively dropped the rat. scabbers instantly took his chance and ran towards a tree. ron caught him and picked him up by his bloody hand. "behave yourself."

then, i realized something. he was kneeling underneath the whomping willow. ron sprinted away from the branches as hermione cried out a warning. from a hole in the trunk of the tree, came a big ass black dog.

harry shielded himself but to his surprise, the dog jumped over him and snapped his mouth closed on ron's leg. hard. ron cried out in pain while it dragged him into the burrow under the whomping willow.

i turned my back for a second too long and was taken up by the tree's branches. i was thrown to the ground a second later. i picked myself up immediately and tried to help harry keep ron from going with the dog. it was no use, the dog is too powerful.

the dog. i knew this dog, no one else did.

slowly, ron began to release his grip on harry's hand, finger by finger. he was giving up. he disappeared down the hole.

before we could try and see where he went, hermione was lifted by a branch. then, harry, then me. we were thrown and caught seeming without an end. then, one by one, we fell flat on our backs as the tree swung around.

however, instead of landing hard on the dirt and grass behind us like harry and hermione, i landed back in the tree's radar. it picked me up again, and i flung straight into the trunk. hermione rushed to help me to my feet as harry attempted to fix his glasses as they had been flung to the opposite direction. but as she tried to stand, the willow then took it's opportunity for her. i immediately reached out to pull her back down by her shirt.

time bomb (hp x oc)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon