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okay, so since i've been gone for 2 months, i thought everyone could do with a recap!!

aria has been through hell lol, she volunteered as a tribute in the hunger games to save Lucy Gray and she met coriolanus snow (absolute fittie might i add) and he's her mentor, she goes into the arena and she wins, yay!! but coriolanus actually cheated to help her win, oh no!!!

so then he gets sent to district 12 but aria is stuck in the capitol because everyone there loves her so much and doesn't want her to leave, she's sending letters to coriolanus but she thinks he's in district 8, so he never receives the letters and she thinks he just ignored them.

so she takes a trip to district 12 and sees coriolanus, but she sees him with a girl...

turns out that girl was just some random weirdo (she's a lot more than that though)

okay and so they make up and they both decide to run off and live together in the woods, but they're secretly followed by that weird girl.

her names aryadne, and she's actually.... gaul's daughter! so she gets some help with kidnapping aria and coriolanus and they are put into a hunger games filled with loads of rebels, tributes also include, smiley, bug, junius and sejanus.

so the hunger games start, and it's all fine until coriolanus decides to be difficult 😡😡

he thinks that because aria loves him so much, she'd sacrifice her life to save him so he leaves her behind to do her own thing but he's secretly trying to protect her

so she then meets raphael, missy and arlo and makes an alliance with them

then there's like all these fires in the arena and it forces the tributes to the middle where aria and coriolanus meet again!!

turns out arlo is a bad guy lol and he was put in the arena to be the victor so none of the rebels actually lived

but then peacekeeper rebels break in and get smiley, bug, sejanus and some other people out... but not coriolanus and aria!!

so those two go back to the capitol and pretend to love the capitol and all that

but then aria gets kidnapped, and turns out.... it's raphael!!!

and that's where we left off!! i didn't explain everything in this, so i do recommend you re-read a few chapters if you can't remember everything but tbh i don't blame u if you can't be arsed lol anyways i hope you enjoy the next chapterrr xoxo

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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