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Avengers Tower, New York, U.S - 2016 (Present)

- All of our work is gone, Ultron took it all - Banner spoke after trying to boot up the computers in the lab - He accessed everything, files, cameras secret databases. He knows more about ourselves than we know about each other - Natasha spoke - I hate to be the bearer of more bad news, but it seems like he has gained access to the world financial system and military servers, it's a matter of hours before he can deploy nuclear weapons - Victor said after getting out of. the phone - Sure you do - Steve whispered under his breath, but as the room was in silence, everyone heard it.

- I'm sorry? - Victor inquired placing his phone in his pocket - It's just convenient how all of this happened after you went MIA for two years. If someone here has a history of working for terrorist agencies that someone is you - Steve spoke standing up - So somehow it is my fault that you guys were unable to keep a broken robot from kicking your asses inside your own house? That's funny it seems like you're trying to make your incompetence my fault - Victor said back, Steve grabbed him by his arms and slammed the agent against the metal door - Say that again - Rogers said in between his teeth - Having trouble hearing old man? - Victor asked and Steve tightened his grip - Break it up you two - Natasha ordered getting in between them - We have more urgent matters to worry about now - The redhead added and Victor walked to the opposite side of the room holding his arms where Steve gripped - Whatever - The British mumbled as he watched Steve walking away from the lab.

- Look I know you don't want to be here, but we need all the help we can get right now - Tony said looking at Victor - Of course I'm staying, just don't make me work directly with him and we'll be fine Victor said itching his neck - Why don't we all take an hour to wash up and get ready for lots of physical tracking? - Bruce suggested and everyone agreed - I'll go back to my hotel room pack up my stuff and ask around for some of my contacts to see what we know is happening - Victor said leaving the lab and marching towards the elevator, god he was so mad he wanted to grab the toughest thing he could find and beat Steve up with it, luckily they did not cross each other paths on Victor's way out.

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Victor walked inside the crisis room the Avengers had set up with a pile of folders in his hands - Alright he is all over the globe, different agencies and governments reported system instabilities and secret data leaks. Also, it seems like he has been gathering stuff on robotics, five labs in Europe have been looted, some officers were left catatonic and others say that whatever happened was too fast - Clarke placing the folders on the desk in front of him - I said one hour to regroup, not six - Tony joked walking towards the folders and checking them - So the twins have been helping Ultron? Interesting, yet not surprising - Banner said.

- Twins? - Victor asked looking around the room and sharing a look with Steve for no more than a second - The Maximoff twins, we faced them in Sokovia. The boy is a speedster, super fast and we are still trying to understand the girl, apparently, she has telekinetic abilities and mental manipulation - Tony explained showing Victor different pictures of them - They are just kids, I thought HYDRA had stopped the infant training program - Victor spoke - They have, Wanda and Pietro, are the only ones left - Tony added - Oh, almost forgot, he has been looking into Ulisses Klaw - Victor added grabbing one of the folders and opening up the search history and the triangulation program used.

- I know him, he's a big dealer on the weapons black market - Tony said grabbing the folder and detaching a picture from it - What's with that on his neck? - Natasha asked - It'sa tattoo - Tony said - No, this is a tattoo, that's a mark - Thor explained sh/owing the difference - What does it mean? - The redhead asked and Bruce started typing on his computer - Found it - The scientist spoke reading in silence - It means thief in a much less friendly way - Banner said - What language is that? - Victor asked walking closer to the computer - It's a dialect from Wakanda - Bruce said making Steve and Stark share a worried look.

Magnetic | Steve Rogers X Male OC!Where stories live. Discover now