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The battlefield is stained with blood. I am not phased, for I have seen far too much blood in my life for it to affect me anymore. Gunshots ring out behind me, bullets whizzing past my limbs, grazing them slightly leaving a burning sensation. I ignore the pain as I run towards Haider, throwing him back his machete which he catches with ease.

The sight of my father's mangled neck disturbs me, the slit left from the machete is disturbingly terrifying, and my father barely seems perturbed. I pull my gun out of my jacket, now is finally  my chance to avenge my mother, to avenge Ella, to avenge the little boy who just wanted a father and was dealt a monster. 

The thought of burying my father's body only motivates me more,  I'm so lost in thought I don't notice as the battle stops.  I'm brought back to reality as an invisible Kenji taps on my shoulder, urging me to shoot my father while he's still down. 

I aim for my father's heart, I'm about to shoot when he stops me. He stands up as he clears his throat, he coughs up the remaining blood in his throat before looking me dead in the eye. He stares at me for just a moment before glancing around at our audience. He takes a minute to asses them, have an understanding of who's watching. 

When he turns back to me I know he's going to begin a speech of some sort. Most likely about how pathetic I am, or how disappointed he is.

What he says next shocks me.

"My boy is this what you really want? To kill your own father for some girl?  Listen to me Aaron, don't shoot me, turn around and wipe out those miserable friends of your's lives and we can be together. We can be a family  Aaron, isn't that what you've always wanted?  Just you and I like it should gave been. Come on now son, remember all those times you tried to shoot me before? This can be another one of those times, I wont hold it against you. Now give the gun to your daddy and we can go home where I will love you."

My father finishes his speech loud and clear, his words ringing repeatedly in my head,

Where I will love you

Where I will love you

Where I will love you 

I consider my options, I can drop the gun and run into his arms like i've craved to do so all my life, or I can shoot him and and stay with all of Ella's friends I've learned to tolerate as we take down the Re-Establishment and restore our earth.

I can't hear anything other than Kenji snickering at my father referring to himself as "daddy" but quite frankly I'm too tired to care. I'm pulled out of my thoughts when I'm tapped on my shoulder, normally I would be enraged someone would touch me without permission but I'm more shocked to see Kent  of all people standing behind me. I turn to my father to see he is equally surprised by Kent spawning out of nowhere. Kent taps me on the shoulder one more time before I finally turn my attention towards him. I give him a subtle nod as if to say "What?" and just motions to the backside of my shirt.

He must understand my confusion for in one quick motion he tears the remaining piece of my shirt off my back. I'm confused till I hear the horrified screams from behind me and I know why he did it now. He wanted me to remember every scar caused by my father's hands. 

"You can't do this Warner, you can't do this. The world is counting on you, Juliette is counting on you.  We need you Warner, even if I hate you I admit we need you more than ever right now. Please don't give up on us." He whispers, I look into his eyes, they're just like my father's, only Kent's are full of a pain and desperation I've never seen before.

LET ME LOVE YOU -  an imagine me auWhere stories live. Discover now