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This time when I awake I am not in the room I had previously been in. I have been moved to the underground cells. In figure my father must have moved me somewhere where no one will be able to find me.

A vision appears in my head, it's dark and bloody, I realize one thing,

I will die here.

I attempt to brush my hair out of my face but I'm stopped by the metal cuff around my wrist chained to the floor. Restraints. How wonderful.

I try to blow the hair out of my face and I know I must look ridiculous for when my father enters the room he's laughing.

"Do you want some help my boy?" He asks me, I don't answer. He attempts to brush my hair off my face but I dodge his hand. He glares at me, this time he grabs my jaw forcing me to be steady. He quickly moves my hair and glares at.

"Don't be stubborn, I'm only trying to do whats best for you."

"What's best for me is tying me down in a cell like an animal?"

"Stop that, I was hoping to have a rational conversation with you like an adult , but if you want to act like a child then I will treat you like a child. Your decision."

I glare at him as he pulls up a chair, he's smiling like an idiot. It's unnerving.

"Your friends are here."

I only nod, I think back to when I turned invisible, Kenji must be here on base.

"They're coming for you."

This time I don't acknowledge him, it's quite obvious they're here for me.

"When I find them I'm going to kill them."

I try not to flinch, despite wanting to put a bullet through Kishimoto's head several times I don't think I could actually kill him anymore. Not after all we've been through.

"What if I kill them in front of you? Line them up and shoot them, watch them fall like dominoes. Or, what if I make you kill them? Surely it wouldn't affect you right? After all you only care about Juliette right? Everyone else is irrelevant? Or is that just another lie to hide your big heart?"

The silence is suffocating, he laughs before mumbling that he knew it.

He stands up abruptly before walking towards the door. I attempt to sit up but am immediately pulled back by the chains around my wrists. I hear him snicker as he grabs the doorknob. He's about to open the door when he stops and turns to face me once again.

"I have things to do, in the meantime you will stay here and you will not complain. I will come check on you in a little bit, and if you think you have even the slightest chance at escaping remember-" he gestures to the corner of the ceiling which I now realize is equipped with a  surveillance camera, "-I'm always watching. See you soon, love you."

The door lingers open for a few seconds longer than usual but I make nothing of it. It's only when I hear something fall and a quiet "Shit." do I realize I'm not alone.

"Kenji?" I whisper.

"Warner?" he whispers back.

"What are you doing here?"

"Rescuing you dumbass, better question: why are you chained to the wall like a prisoner?"

"Perhaps because I am a prisoner?"

"Ok smartypants, where's the key?"

Kenji is just about to turn off his invisibility when I remember something,

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