40. In my own hands.

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I barged into the oracles bedroom, my eyes glaring at her. She must've seen this coming yet she said nothing to me.

"You knew," I spat, my words dripping with venom. "You knew what was going to happen to my mate, and you said nothing!" I lashed out on her.

Sage laughed, a bitter echo of mockery that only fueled my rage. "Of course I knew," she replied, "I warned you, Freya. I told you that the moongoddess would not take kindly to your interference."

"And yet you said nothing," I seethed, my voice trembling with anger. "You let him suffer, you let him be taken from me, and you did nothing to stop it!"

"I will not abandon him," I declared, "No matter what trials we face, we will face them together. I have decided to be there for my mate." I repeated to her once again.

The oracle's lips curved into a sardonic smile, her eyes gleaming, "And how is that working out for you so far?" Sage taunted, her voice a bitter.

"Why did you come here in the first place?" I asked, curious.

She had made me believe that she really care but now I have to really wonder why she's here. I was beginning not to trust her.

"I know what you're thinking Freya." The oracle says making me roll my eyes at her.

"Of course I know you do." I folded my hands.

"So, I'm sure you know whatever I say to you will not change your decision of not helping your mate. I also will tell you that whatever you plan to ask me to do, I will not do it." She smiled.

"I recently found out that Linda suddenly happened to come across a potion. A potion to hypnotize Alpha Dominic into sleeping with her. I can't help but wonder who gave her. There's only two people that could do this. A witch or an oracle." I confessed.

"Are you sure the moongoddess is messing with your sight for helping Alpha Dominic or for your unscrupulous ways in manipulating situations to your liking? I'm left utterly baffled by your intentions Sage." I continued, this woman was a riddle to me.

I waited for a minute, noting she was not going to respond to my questions.

"There's no reason for you to be here anymore Sage. You can leave, I believe you're no longer needed." I told her.

"I'm not leaving," she asserted firmly, my eyes narrowing as I faced Sage's stubborn stance.

"If that is what you feel then I can't stop you, however try not to interfere with anything I do next," I warned, her.

"You're changing, there's something different about you. There's something shifting within you, something I cannot fully explain." Sage said to me.

Another thing to throw me off once again.

I squared my shoulders and met Sage's stare with a decided look. "I appreciate everything you've for me so far, Sage," I said with firmness, "but I'm going to do things my way from now on."

Sage nodded in acknowledgment, her expression betraying a hint of resignation. "Very well, Freya," she replied softly. "Just so you know, when things start to get out of hand I won't be there to help you." Sage added.

I smiled, "I won't and things won't either."

"Now, if you'll excuse me there are things I need to take care of." As I turned away, thoughts of reclaiming what was rightfully mine raced through my mind but first I needed to do something very important.

I made my way out the pack house neared the end of the pack territory, the pack warriors moved to intercept me.

"Luna, it's not safe, a rogue can attack at any moment. You never know." they warned of the imminent danger posed by the rogues.

I was glad they recognized me as their rightful Luna.

Raising my hand to signal for them to halt, I focused on the task at hand, blocking out their concerned voices.

Hopefully what I was about to do next wouldn't backfire on me and leave me unconscious.

I raised my hand, commanding the elements to bend to my will. Energy surged through me as I visualized the protective barrier taking shape.

It rippled outwards, encircling the pack's perimeter with an invisible shield, impenetrable to any unwanted intruders.

The pack warriors watched in awe as the barrier solidified, their expressions shifting from confusion to admiration. This was my moment to take charge, to safeguard the pack in my mate's absence.

"The barrier stands as a shield against any who would dare threaten our pack such as rogues. There should be no more attacks if they're unable to get in." I smiled.

"It's incredible, Luna!" one of the pack members exclaimed. "We're safe now, thanks to you. We're grateful for your leadership."

"Now if you don't mind I have some unfinished business to take care of." I turned and walked away.

There was still more that had to be done. I had unfinished business to attend to-starting with Linda.

With my eyes fixated on the impending clash, I went through the pack house. I had no choice but to hold Linda accountable because she had contributed to my turmoil.

As I stride into Linda's home, I don't bother with niceties like knocking. "Linda!" I call out, my voice edged with amusement knowing what I was about to do next.

She emerges from what seems to be her bedroom, looking disheveled. My eyes narrow as I take in her appearance, "You're such a whore," I accuse, "Sleeping around while thinking you're fit to be Luna."

She reeked of the same male she had been with the last time.

"How dare you enter my home without my permission and insult me you insignificant bitch!" Linda screeched.

Offended Linda marched her way towards me in a rage, raising her hand, aiming to strike me. Without a moment's hesitation, I grab her wrist firmly, stopping her in her tracks. "Don't you dare," I warn, my gaze piercing into hers. "You've caused enough trouble already."

As Linda struggles to free her hand from my grip, her expression shifts from defiance to fear. She glances at me with wide eyes, confusion etched across her face. "What... what are you doing to me?" she stammers, her voice trembling.

I smirk, feeling a sense of satisfaction as I watch Linda's transformation. Slowly, she begins to age before my eyes, her once vibrant appearance fading into frailty and weakness. I tighten my hold on her hand.

"I've found out that the same way others can take my energy is the same way I can take energy in reverse. The moongoddess blessed me. Don't you like?"

When I've had my fill of her punishment, I release Linda's hand, allowing her to stumble back. "Consider that a taste of what you deserve," I declare coldly. "Don't ever try to undermine me again, Linda."

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Also "His rejected mate" is completed on inkitt! You can search for my username "princessreverie"

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⏰ Last updated: May 25 ⏰

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