Chapter 10: The Best of Nin-tensions

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We start the scene in the living room. Sharon is watering some plants as Molly and Nightwolf shows up seconds later

Molly: Hey, Mom. You know how Grandma Nin is always saying she wants to visit?

Sharon: Did she say that?


First in the kitchen

[Video call]

Grandma Nin: When can I visit my grandchildren?

Sharon: Uh...Not now. We just moved. There are boxed everywhere!

Second in the Sharon and Pete's bedroom

[Video call]

Grandma Nin: Now, can I visit my gran-

Sharon: Hello? Can't hear...

They looking at Sharon doing a paper crumbled

[Crumpling paper]

Sharon: Bad connecti--

And Third and Last in the Backyard

She throws her phone inside the barbeque grill

Sharon: No, you can't visit!

[Video call]

Grandma Nin: I haven't asked yet.


End of Flashback

Sharon: Okay, so she may have dropped some hints.

Nightwolf: Well, good news, Molly and I were picked up on each and everyone of those hints and... get excited... We invited Grandma Nin for a visit!

Everything turns o slow-motion

She drops the watering can in shock

Sharon: You did wha--

The doorbell rings

They gasps

Molly: Oh, boy, she's here.

They head to the door running amking Pete fall, who was walking to the room

Darryl and Scratch: Nin-coming!

Pete: Nin's...coming?

Sharon: She's here.

They open the door and Grandma Nin steps in

Darryl: Sawadee kup, Grandma Nin!

Molly: Sawadee ka, Grandma Nin!

Nightwolf: Sawadee kha, Grandma Nin!

Grandma Nin: Molly! Nightwolf! Darryl! I have presents!

Darryl: Yeah!

Molly: Ooh, my favorite!

Nightwolf: I love Thai Suman!

Scratch: You're here! You and your snacks are finally here!

Grandma Nin: Khanom Buang for my favorite ghost!

[Angelic vocals]

He excitedly eats all the Khanom Buang in one bite

He sucks

Scratch: She's my favorite family member.

He spits

Scratch: Sorry Molly and Nightwolf but it's time you both knew!

Pete: Nin! So good to see you!

Grandma Nin: Peter, for you, I have a very special Thai fruit!

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