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It was 8:45 am, Daniel sat at a table in the school hallway before he had to go to first period in 15 minutes. At the table sat his best friend, Abigail who was working on a math worksheet that was due at the beginning of class . Daniel was on his phone, passively scrolling on Instagram, watching reels.

Daniel's younger sister, Sammy sat on the floor near the table, gluing down some pieces of paper that peeled up on her diorama for her theater class. It was peaceful and he liked it, nothing to worry about other than his other little sister being sick at home but that's about it.

It was close to Christmas break, snow was starting to litter the ground outside. Custodians working to shovel the snow off the sidewalks outside the school and in the courtyard, their snow covers keeping the wet flurries from reaching the robot parts as they weren't as high tech as most of the rest of the staff at their school, being made from used parts or simply being older models.

Tatum didn't like the snow. Sure, he appreciated cold weather, but he had already busted his ass on the ice one-too-many times, and now the path to school from his group home was nearly treacherous.

Shoving his face further into his coat, he turned the volume up on his headphones that were firmly clamped around his ears. One of the teachers raised a gleaming robotic hand to greet him as he entered through the school gates, and he replied with a silent nod.

He could already tell it would be a long day, and the dark sky promised more snowy flakes as the day progressed. Trodding through the front doors, he made his way through the halls to his first class.

Sammy finally finished gluing down her project and stood up with the little box in hand, about to head off to class. Daniel side hugged her since she had the project in her hand, kissing the top of her head, sending her off to class.

Daniel and Abigail got up finally as he normally did walk her to class. Maybe that's why people thought they were dating, they weren't. Abigail was secretly dating a popular cheerleader named Tiffany, who was surprisingly goth. And Daniel, well Daniel was a closeted gay disaster waiting to happen, he was in love with his straight friend. As does every queer person go through at least once in their life.  

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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