🎶 Again [N]

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N hesitated before walking into the landing pod--he didn't to be yelled at again. God, he hated that.

"N!" Someone, J, yelled once he got into the pod, "WHAT was that! You let that damned worker escape. AGAIN. This is the 3rd worker this week, N." she rants, continuing to berate N for him failing. Again. N just blocked her ranting out, he learned to do that a while ago... it doesn't always work. But hey- he's fine now, right? J eventually stopped, groaning as she walked out of the pod and flew off, likely going to find V or hunt.

N sighed, walking over to one of the chairs and slumping down in it, watching the screen spark occasionally. He let his mind wonder, not the best choice. Great job. Js words echoed in his mind, maybe he was a failed attempt of a disassembly drone. Knowing how he does at killing the workers- they might be right. No. They were. He knew deep down they were, he didn't want to believe it, but he knew they were right. There's no doubt about it. Not anymore.

Eventually he stood up, walking out of the pod and flying off--flying to somewhere he knew he only knew of. Once he was there, he sat against the wall, retracting his wings and letting his mind wonder once more. He watched the sun start to rise and made sure he stayed where it was safe. Maybe he should just go back to his original position, it was in the sun. Sure, he'd kind of die, but V and J would be better off with him gone anyways.

He decided against it, too indecisive to form an actual decision at the moment. After a while--maybe an hour or two--he remembered something. Something he hadn't done in a long time. Slowly, he swapped one of his hands for a blade of sorts, he didn't care what one. His mind was too fogged to care about what blade.

N took a long look at his arm, he deserved this, remember? He's caused too much stress and just plain annoyed J and V. He deserved this. He knew he did.

The blade didn't hurt when it first made contact with his metallic arm--so he pushed it further, ouch. Yeah, that hurt that time. But it didn't hurt that much, he's fine. This is what everyone else in his squad would want anyways, not that they'd care about what he does to himself. Pfft, why would they? All he does is cause issues.

"Stop. Stop it, stop thinking about things. Just cut deeper. You deserve this, you know you do. Go further. The pain is good, it means you're doing good at something for once." He mumbles to himself. Him? He thinks its him anyways. Oh boy not again with the crazy thoughts, stop that. Maybe its just his mind playing tricks on him.

He kept going, completely ignoring the pain--well trying to. It hurt, a lot. But that's good, remember? ITS GOOD. Don't stop now you've just started, why not continue? He continues. Again. "Continue" It was back. The voice was back.

N didn't like this, he didn't like that voice telling him he deserved it. Sure, he knew he did, but he didn't want someone telling him it. He looked down at his arm, shit. It had a dozen or so cuts on it, oil was leaking down from them.

He sighed, wiping the oil off once it stopped and rolling his sleeve all the way down, instead of his usual half-sleeve thing. He didn't know what to call it, didn't matter anyways. It's not like disassembly drones had any fashion trends, they all look kind of the same. He decided against healing himself, he deserved this pain.

Peeking outside, the sun was still out. I mean, it should be--he hasn't been here that long. He had to wait until the sun went down, so he did. He just slept it out, not like there was much to do anyways.

After he woke up, the sun was gone. Good, maybe he could sneak back in without his squad noticing. He quickly unsheathed his wings and flew off, gliding back to the landing pod and trying to be quiet as he landed. Fortunately for him, J and V were both gone. He walked in, sitting on the chair and messing with the buttons until his squad arrived back. They ignored him, simply hanging onto the ceiling and wrapping their wings around them then falling asleep. N eventually did the same, though making sure to keep what distance he could from them--the landing pod was too small for three drones where two hated one of them.

Eventually he fell asleep again, hopefully they didn't find out what he did. He knows they wouldn't care, but still. It'd definitely get him yelled at by one of them.

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