14 - Betrayal -

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[Edgar POV]

"Ya know, we're getting older, and we start to feel different emotions and feelings. And I- I. I think I like you."

My heart stopped. No way. No way. How can he - darkness enclosed me in a prison and I fainted from fright and shock

[Colette POV]

"Ya know, we're getting older, and we start to feel different emotions and feelings. And I- I. I think I like you."

Fang, one of the most famous brawlers like me. But how can I tell him that I don't like him and I like Edgar? Loving Fang is kinda cool and I can show off to Emz, but Edgar? He'll be seeing me all day. That's a good thing, if we want to build a relationship... "Colette?" Fang's voice called out, forcing me to listen again.

"Oh. Fang. Umm. I haven't exactly developed any feelings for any people yet." What a lie, Colette. I blushed. "I'm sorry?"

"That works!" Fang said smiling. "I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable." But. I could tell that Fang was disappointed. He turned away and I flinched.

OH NO! I SCARED A BOY AWAY. "Wait. I'm sorry, do you want to do something together in the evening?" I asked curiously.

"Oh. Of course." He told me before running off to his room.

[Edgar POV]

"Urgh. What's the time." I groaned, my face smashed against my scarf. What happened again? Colette and Fang or something. Emotions and feelings. Fang and Colette. Wait. FANG CONFESSING TO COLETTE? How could I fall asleep at such a life changing fact? How will I know whether Colette said yes or not? I glanced up and saw it was 6. Standing up, I headed downstairs which was awfully quiet.

"Fang? Colette?" Nothing. A blue sticky note on the table drew my attention. "Hmm?"

Hey Edgar, in case you woke up at 6 or something and you can't find Cole and I, we're eating dinner together. Byeee! I'm sorry for ditching you, but you looked AWFULLY tired. 

She said yes. I thought, my heart pounding. Arrrgghhh. F*******ck. Urrrgghhhh. I thought she liked me. I sighed. Urgh, I don't care.

I slammed the door closed behind me to go to a restaurant to eat instead. 'Bout Spike's? No. Too painful to eat there. But I glanced there and my jaw dropped. Colette and Fang eating together. No. Colette was drunk, Fang wasn't.

Fang said something and drunk Colette leaned toward his face with a dreamy expression. NO! My mind roared, my scarf immediately spinning and flying me over to them. "STOP!" I yelled, pushing Colette away. Fang gasped.

"Edgar! Heeeeeeyyyyyyy!!" Fang was acting drunk. "Whaddya want, hon?" He asked.

"Stop acting drunk." I hissed. Wait. What if he WAS drunk. I glanced and Colette who was scrabbling at air.

"Wanna joiiiin ussss?" A threesome? NO!

"I'm fine Fang, what you up to?"

"In the middle of a romaaantic relationship, of couuuurse, Edgar, with Colette. Did you hear??? She likkkkes meee." I sighed. Maybe Fang is drunk.

Then what, is Colette lying or cheating on me? I grit my teeth. "Fang, can I talk to Colette?" I asked him firmly.

"O' courrsseee, Edgaaaarrr." I grabbed Colette limp body with my scarf and carried her outside, glaring at Fang.


"Mmm, Fang. Wanna kiss again?" Again. Again. Again. The word echoed in my head.

"Colette. I'm not Fang. It's Edgar, the person you like."

"Ohhh, hey Edgar." Colette murmured.

"Why did you say that you liked Fang, when you like me?"

"But I didn't..." Colette seemed a little less drunk.

"Then why I you here?" I said, angriness bubbling up.

"I... asked Fang whether he wanted to do something in the evening and he said yes and... mmhm. Tired." She whispered, before falling asleep in my arms. I sighed.

"Colette..." I grumbled, taking her back to Fang's table who had also dozed off. "Are you serious??" My scarf handled them both and I took them out of the restaurant.

Opening the front door, Fang slipped and he grabbed onto Colette. "Get up." I growled, my scarf picking him up again.

"Mmm. Colette... Kiss me. Once more."

"WHAT? Shhh. Fang. I don't want to ruin our friendship right now." I whispered to him. Fang was pretty cool, but he could get on my nerves at some times.

I threw Fang on his bed and carried Colette upstairs and tucking her in neatly. "Goodnight my little furball." I whispered as I patted her soft hair.

"Faaaaang. You're tooooo biggggg."

Wanna Talk About It Edgar? (Brawl Stars)Where stories live. Discover now