20 - First Day -

40 1 0

[Edgar POV]

"Hey. You're Edgar?" The manager asked. He was this robot with this cash machine head and it was kinda annoying to see all the time.


"Nice to meet you! I'm Griff, your manager and manager of the store. So, Got a few questions to ask you."

"Go ahead."

"How old are you?"

"Oh. 19." I answered shortly.

"Hmm. Okay. You know Colette right, because she does talk about you."

"Yeah. She's a... good friend." I said, fidgeting.

"What kind of job in the gift shop are you into, advertising, being the cashier, stocking items, or anything?"

"Mm, I don't really mind."

"That's great! I'll let you join! So, you should get to the store to set up at maybe 7, store opens at 8, ends at 5, though there's a 1 hour lunch break at 1 and a thirty minute morning tea break at 11. Your daily pay is 300." He told me happily.


"Yep, working in a gift shop is kind of difficult at times. Thank you, though." Griff held out a hand and I shook it, smiling. "Here's the keys, and you should get going, Colette will tell you the stuff when you get there. Just two blocks down from here. Bye."

I took the keys and walked down the street to find the rather large gift shop. I chuckled as I saw Colette zooming all over the place. I pushed the doors open silently and Colette hadn't realised. "When's Edgar coming! I'm so excited!"

Colette seemed to be stocking the shelves and cleaning at the same time. "Hey Cole." I said.

"Edgar! Welcome!" Colette dragged me to her and she grinned. "Why don't you first get a little familiar with this place and I'll finish stocking up."

"Of course." I wandered around the shop and smiling as I saw some strange things. Plushies, toys, keyrings, jewellery, signatures of brawlers, decorations, cosmetics, lollies. It was just like how it was when I last came. "Colette. Need any help?" I asked as she tried and failed for the fourth time to get a stuck Piper plushie down.

"Nope! It's fine!" She tried another four times and sighed in defeat. "Edgar, can you help me?" She asked, panting. I laughed and plucked it down instantly. "Oh wow. We're opening in ten minutes! GET CLEANING AND FAMILIAR!" Colette shoved me to the cashier's area, which was a little circular place, with glass windows. Behind there was the stock area, where everything was.

Colette was everywhere, grabbing things, scrubbing things and throwing things. "Calm down, Colette." I told her, laughing lightly.

"I caaaaan't!" She threw everything everywhere, her aim was perfect, throwing everything in the right spot.

"How?" I murmured, trying to throw a plushie at its designated place, only missing it by several shelves.

"PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT!" Colette picked up the plushie I dropped and chucked it on the right shelf neatly while throwing multiple other things everywhere.

I raised an eyebrow and glanced outside, people were already streaming into Starr Park. "We should open up." I told her. Colette nodded and flung the doors open, looking a bit nervous.

"We'll probably have to wait a while, for the people to finish their time at Starr Park. Who knows, it's usually a few minutes in.

Soon enough, our first customer was here. "Go to cashier, I'll advertise." Colette shoved me to the cashier's area as she quickly ran to the customer and immediately pointed to different products.

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