Chapter1:The massacre

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I was just introduced into the world when my world fell apart and into despair.

Let me introduce myself *sigh* .
My name is prince Boye or let me say Once a prince because I have no kingdom anymore and I'm now a wanderer. I could remember vividly how colorful the village was when this incident happened , we were all celebrating the birth of a new born in the village and the king who was my father would always ensure everyone in his kingdom Feel special regardless of who you are and we will dine and wine but little did we know that a spy was around the corner ..

I and my friends were around the kitchen waiting to get the first hand of the food served, but little did i know that would be the last time I would be seeing my family .

"Boye by the time you come of age you will ascend the throne and bore prince and princess also to continue the legacy of the family " my father will always say . Little me didn't really take the words to heart cause I just wanted to play around with my friends ..

It was late into the celebration I noticed that everyone were feeling sleepy and tired which was not supposed to happen but I thought it was as a result of fatigue on everyone , little past midnight the alarm bell rang and fire could be seen everywhere in the village.

people house getting burnt down with the family in it and whoever was lucky to escape was slaughtered like a goat by the neck ..

It happened so fast that not even the warriors could do anything about the situation and we were left defenseless , little me was terrified to the bones because I never witness such mass killing before.

My father palace was invaded and everyone was slaughtered my father could do nothing likewise I.

My mother and sister were murdered right before my eyes, I closed my eyes expecting the blade to come down to my neck next but I felt blood spill all over me, behold when I opened my eyes I was dumbfounded with what was before me .

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