Chapter 5: strange noise

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"We all know about the attacks going on around the villages " I barked to the village warriors "yes sir" they replied
I looked at their faces and I could see bravery, I felt proud of my army

" we are making sure there are no loose ends in this premises, am I clear?" I barked again
"Yes sir" they replied

" we are doubling the security around the village perimeters from now on, we are not going to be caught unaware"

I grouped them and sent them on their way. I was going home late, but a strange noise caught my attention. By this time of the night, " what could it be" I asked myself. I decided to check for myself .

I went deeper into the forest as I climbed into a particular tree and I observed, I saw about 10 hefty warrior chasing a little boy . Clearly from their appearance I knew they are not from this town.

From my view I saw the young boy hide under the wooden bridge over the forest river. Alas he lost them, after they left I came down and approach him .
At first he seemed shocked and alert but I guess he was too weak to run.. "who are you" he asked.
" I'm ogundiji the head warrior of this village " I replied him.
" why are you in this part of the forest by this time of the night" I asked him.

" my village was attacked " he replied simply, with the scene I witnessed I assumed it should be true.
" come, follow me" I told him. He looked like he was contemplating if to follow me or not , but he did after some time.

I was leading him to my home when I noticed he was weak to continue the journey, I brought him up into my shoulder and took him home.
" who is this young boy " my wife asked looking concerned seeing his condition, " I found him while on patrol this night in the forest, says his village was attacked" I explained to my wife.

" ooh poor boy", she exclaimed
I thereafter asked her to help me tend to his wound which she did and I showed him to his new room. My wife called me outside and wanted to have a conversation

"My husband " she said
"Yes darling" I replied
" I think this is the gods ways of answering our prayers, after so many years of not having our own child" she said looking excited.
" Don't let us get our hope high already, we don't know who he is yet fully" I explained to her.
" he's a little boy and we can take him as our own, we don't have an option, Do we?" She said .
" okay, I agree but after I take him to the king tomorrow , then We see how it goes" I replied her and I saw the look of satisfaction on her face.

We went to bed but not long after, we heard him scream from his room and we rushed over to know what was happening to him....

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