The video

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It's just 2 pm but I'm already drinking my third coffee. I wish it would be justvl a normal coffee ... However Dave and me have serious arrangement when I'm not working on something I have to forget about drinking Irish coffee or any other drink... But now I just want to forget everything...

I was still in my bed I was wearing just a night gown and scrolling through the news on my phone. The early summer sunlight filled the streets with life. Children were running around, dogs were barking here and there, and the traffic started to reach its limit as more and more people were going home from work.
And I just locked myself in my apartment like an old woman who's drained out by her grief...
Because two days ago something happened in the evening, something unimaginable ...

Or should I say exactly what Dave was afraid of to happen
He told me a million times that I should hire someone, a guard for example. I can afford it, I can afford anything I would like. But no...Of course as stupid I am, I didn't listen to him. I always think I can handle things on my own. Eventually I could handle that I've become famous in no time.

Dave is my best friend, and my manager since my first novel has released, and he takes care about my career as a writer.
My fans like my novels because my female characters are strong, dark and mystical, I write horror novels, which have these kinds of heroins. These characters could take my readers to the deepest darkest depth of the human nature, and supernatural.
I creat some goddess, who can loved by anyone. And as time passed away this love also reached out to me... And that was the point when Dave started to worry...
As sometimes fans like to see the actors as the characters who play in a movies they started to see me as my characters from my novels...
Of course that's my fault because one day I was so stupid and reckless I split it out that my characters are based on myself. I said this in a radio interview in a live show so we didn't have the chance to delete it. I would never forget David reaction, he was so angry and furious he was yelling at me, like I was a bad child.

48 hours passed away..... And I was just drinking and sleeping since then, the only thing is I ordered some Asian food for two days.  Poor delivery boy might think there is a bar or a pub in my apartment ...

Dave is trying to reach me since the morning. He called several times, texted me all in my social media platforms. Obviously he has something important and urgent to say... But I have no strength to talk with him. I have no strength to go outside and see myself face to face.

My whole body is still aching. I still have the bite marks, the print of his hand on my skin, and I'm full of bruises..

Someone knocked on my door. I was shaking underneath the bedsheets ... But Lucius Barragan doesn't knock... He just takes what he wants. Even my head hurts from this thought...

- Grace! - I heard Dave muffled voice. He's knocking again. My head feels like they're banging with a rock-drill

- Grace! Are you in there?! - his voice is now more clear, and harsh.
- I'm coming in, ok?!

Oh my God, no... Why did I give him a spare key, damn it...

- I'm coming, I'm coming! - I whisper yelled. He was waiting in the door patiently.

- What do you want?!- I opened the door slightly.

- What what? I can't reach you since the morning, you didn't answer to anything. Uh, are you drink again?  - he asked as he pushed his self in. I was too tired and numb to stop him.

- We have to talk!- he followed me to my bedroom and I laid down in my bed again.
-Why is all dark in here?- he pulled away one of the curtains. I pulled the blanket on my face and groaned like some shitty vampire.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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