Chapter 5: Web of lies

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    "Actually, I-" Lisa paused. Mr Gilbert's gaze was becoming too menacing to bear. "I knocked, but just as you, there was no reply so I went inside the bathroom to check" Lisa proudly lied. Mr Gilbert's expression showed he didn't buy that bullshit. "Then what explains the locked bathroom" He attacked once again. "You know grandfather, people do weird things. Come on, let's go downstairs. It would be rude to keep the guests waiting" Lisa locked her arms with her grandfather's as the made their way downstairs. 'You better come up with a plan hon, or we're doomed' Lisa dreaded.
    Cole slowly opened the bathroom door. "That damn old man, can't wait to see the day he dies" Cole cursed.
    Light footsteps were headed. Cole quickly his behind the entrance of the room's door. A maid could be seen coming into view. She opened the door to David's bathroom and was startled. 'No,no, no,no this bitch is going to ruin my plans'. The maid quickly ran out. Cole took this opportunity to run out of the room before anybody else took the chance to pay a visit. He dialed Lisa's number and cursed when she declined. 'She better have a good reason for this'
     Lisa had successfully
managed to get her stubborn grandfather downstairs. Mr Gilbert waved his hand to signal to the head maid. "Go upstairs to David's bathroom and report to me if you see anything suspicious" He whispered lightly into her ear.

    At that moment Lisa's phone started to ring. "Oh, who could that be" Mr Gilbert smiled lightly.
"Um, it's no one" Lisa lied. Today was probably the day where she had told the most lies in her life.
"Answer it. Don't worry, unless you're hiding something" He continued to give a creepy smile. She declined for the third time and set her phone on silent. Something was going on but just what, was on Mr Gilbert's mind.

  "Sir, sir D-d-david is dead" The maid whispered into Mr Gilbert's ear. She had emphasized too much on the word dead and had gained the attention of some guests.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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