Episode One (1) - Walking on the Sea

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By Elton Nana Amoah Jnr

At 2:00 AM, it all began. The room was shrouded in darkness, empty except for a solitary mattress positioned in its center.

In the far corner of the room, Diana stood, her shoulder-length hair veiling her face as she gazed fixedly at the mattress.

Diana let out a groan akin to a hound dog, panting heavily as she stared intently at nothing in particular, her focus solely on the mattress.

Wearing a white silky nightie, Diana suddenly began tearing her dress leaving her almost naked.  As though consumed by fire, she began to scratch her arms deeply with her fingers, leaving fresh wounds on her hands.

She then began to walk backward, pacing from one corner of the room to the other, all the while muttering "walking on the sea" with an intense fervor.

The faster she walked backwards in the room, the faster she repeated these words

"Walking on the Sea"

In a separate room, Eva lay awake as she heard voices emanating from her elder sister's room. At 12 years old, she rose from her bed and made her way slowly towards her sister's room.

As she approached the door, she could hear her sister's voice whispering repeatedly, "Walking on the sea."

Eva gripped the doorknob tightly and slowly turned it, pushing the door open. What she beheld was not the sister Diana she knew.

Diana continued to pace backward, but as soon as she caught sight of her sister Eva, she abruptly halted and locked eyes with her.

Her gaze was enough to instill fear in Eva, causing her to tremble uncontrollably.

"Hey little one"
Diana said

Her voice resonated as if it were the convergence of three male voices speaking in unison.

This frightened Eva greatly, causing her to shake from head to toe. Though she saw Diana before her, her actions spoke of something entirely different.

"Come here, little one. Come and walk with me on the sea, just like your so-called messiah," she beckoned. "Walk with me, walk with me, walk with me."

Frightened, Eva attempted to flee from the room, but Diana firmly grasped her hand, preventing her escape.

"Let's walk on the sea little one" Diana said
"Walk with me, Walk with me, walk with Me"

Eva struggled to free herself from Diana's grip, but her efforts were in vain. Despite Diana's attempts to corner her sister, Eva managed to slip away somehow.

"Mummy, mummy" Eva called on to her mother as she ran from Diana's room.

Diana watched with laughter as her sister bolted away in terror.

Ms. Moose awoke from her sleep upon hearing her daughter's calls approaching. Glancing at the wall clock, she noted that it was 2:10 AM.

Eva hurried into her mother's presence, finding Ms. Moore awaiting her inquiry.

"Eva, what's wrong?" Ms. Moore asked.

"Mum, it's Diana," Eva exclaimed. "She attacked me. There's something wrong with her, Mummy."

Together, they made their way to Diana's room. Just as before, Ms. Moore could hear the haunting chant emanating from within.

"Walking on the sea."

Ms. Moore approached Diana's door, her heart pounding with apprehension. With a deep breath, she pushed it open, only to find Diana's room empty, shrouded in silence. She was no where to be found.

To be continued.

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