Episode Three (3) - Date Night

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Ms. Moore felt a surge of fear as Diana approached, her voice echoing the menacing words, "Give up, Give up." In response, Ms. Moore began to scream, overwhelmed by the threat of her daughter's ominous presence.

The nightmare abruptly jolted Ms. Moore awake. Just hours earlier, she had endured a distressing encounter with her daughter, Diana.

Just as she began to believe that peace had returned, the nightmare plunged her back into a state of unease, haunted by visions of Diana's unsettling behavior.

Ms. Moore approached Diana as she sat in front of her dressing mirror, applying makeup. Diana was stunning in a red dinner dress that draped elegantly over her figure.

Standing behind her daughter, Ms. Moore couldn't help but admire how beautiful she looked.

"Don't put too much makeup on, love," Ms. Moore said softly. "You look incredibly beautiful."

"Thanks, Mum," replied Diana, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

"I'm just scared that he might not like me."

"Hey, why think like that?" Ms. Moore reassured her, placing a comforting hand on Diana's shoulder.

"Do you know how irresistible you look?"

"I... I haven't been on a date in a while," Diana confessed, her voice shaky with nerves.

"I think Charles is a good person, but I'm just scared, mummy."

The doorbell rang, interrupting their conversation.

"That must be your date," Ms. Moore said, trying to hide her own nerves.

Eva quickly came rushing in to join her mother and sister, sensing the tension in the room.

"Mummy, Mr. Charles is here," Eva announced excitedly.

"Be back before 11 pm, and don't worry about anything, enjoy yourself," Ms. Moore instructed Diana, trying to hide her own nervousness.

Taking her mother's advice to heart, Diana descended the stairs to meet Charles.

As their eyes met, both of their faces lit up with smiles.

Diana and Charles had been planning this date for a while now. Diana had been hesitant, making excuses until she finally agreed to it.

As Charles held Diana's hand and guided her to the car, they drove off for their date. However, during the ride, Diana started to feel increasingly uneasy.

Her body became itchy, and she discreetly tried to scratch the irritated areas away from Charles's sight.

Despite her efforts, Charles noticed that something was amiss. He observed Diana's discomfort and grew concerned, gently asking,

"Is everything alright? Charles asked

"I'm fine, I just feel a bit uneasy" She answered

"Don't worry, we will get to the venue soon" Charles said.

Moments earlier, Diana and Charles had arrived at the restaurant and settled in for their meal. They appeared to be enjoying each other's company, sharing moments of laughter and conversation.

Suddenly, a strong breeze swept through the restaurant, knocking down menus and lighter objects.

Diana's demeanor shifted abruptly as she began to twitch and laugh uncontrollably.

Then, her voice morphed into what sounded like three male voices laughing in unison, sending chills down Charles's spine.

"Diana, are you okay?" Charles asked with concern, trying to make sense of the sudden change in Diana's behavior."

Diana, Diana, Diana," Diana repeated eerily. "Keep calling, she is never going to hear you."

Fear surged through Charles, causing him to lose his balance and fall from his chair.

"Oh no, don't be afraid," Diana mocked, her voice echoing with an unsettling tone.

"Don't you love me anymore, Charles?"

"Stay away from me," Charles pleaded, his voice trembling with fear as he backed away from Diana.

To be continued

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