Chapter 2- Weisslogia

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The ground began to rumble, as Izuku lost his footing. He fell to the ground, as trees fell around him. Subconsciously he active his power, and quickly moved out of the way of trees.

"Hmmm, you've already gotten a basic understanding of how to active your power," He heard a powerful voice call out.

Izuku turned around and immediately his jaw dropped. A massive creature of white scales, and wings towards behind him.

"Hello Izuku, my name is Weisslogia. The white dragon, and the one who's given you your power," The dragon said, its voice exuding power and elegance.

Izuku look at the dragon with a mind blown expression. Unable to cope with the events of today, Izuku collapsed on the spot.


Izuku jolted awake, a cold sweat beaming from his head. He looked around his surroundings and saw that he was in his room.

"Phew, so that means yesterday was all a dream," Izuku said, taking a breath of relief.

Izuku left his room, and went to the kitchen. He was happy it's as the weekend, as he didn't really know to feel about this dream. When he walked into the kitchen their was a note on the fridge.

"Dear Izuku, Mom and Dad had to go on a business trip overseas, we'll we coming back in a month baby. While we're gone, aunt Mitsuki said she'll have you come over and eat dinner. Me and dad loves you Izuku,"
-love mom and dad

Izuku balled the note up and his fist, throwing it across the room.

"They could have at least said goodbye," Izuku said, sadness in his tone.

Izuku whipped his eyes, and decided to make food. He made some pancakes, sausage, and egged, but after eating twice his hungry was still not satisfied. Almost as if he was in a trace, Izuku began eating whatever he could, snacks, lefts over, whatever he could get his hands on. It was as if he had an insatiable hunger. After and hour of eating, Izuku laid on the floor. The pantry, refrigerator, and cabinets were almost completely void of food.

"What's happening to me, Izuku groaned," His head feeling as if it was hit with a hammer.

"Izukuuuuu, come to me,"

A voice pierced thought Izuku's head. A chill ran down Izuku's spine, as he recognized the voice.

"Weisslogia," Izuku said in a shaken voice.

The voice didn't respond again, but now Izuku was scared. He dash and grabbed his phone from his room, and quickly searched up the news. When he read the article, a chill ran down his spine.

"Quirkless teen rushes to recuse classmate, almost dies in the process,"

When Izuku read the article, he knew that yesterday was a lie. Everything had really happened. His father, who not only shattered his dream, was his idol, and gave his power to the same person who'd make his life a living Hell, over his flesh and blood. Izuku would have cried, but for some reason, the tears just refused to leave his face. It was then that Izuku had a realization.

"Weisslogia," he said to himself.

Izuku ran to his room. He grabbed a backpack, and filled with clothes, and some other items he may need. He put on a dark green hoodie, black pants, and his red shoes. After gathering everything, he quickly headed toward out the door. He looked toward the sky with a determined look in his eyes.

"Weisslogia, I'm coming," He said to himself, clenching his fist.

Calling a taxi, he began the drive back to the mountain trail. He wonder what exactly would happen once he got there, but regardless of the outcome, he knew he'd had to face it. The trip was 20 minutes, and by the time Izuku arrived that the trails beginning, it was 10am.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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