White dragon awakens rewrite

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I do not own fairytale or my hero academia just fan fiction I based the power of Sting from fairy tail.

Izuku yagi sat at his desk staring out the window. The teen looked at the storm raging brewing overhead. He sat in his desk, fiddling with the crystal keychain in his neck. Inside of the

"Guess I'm running home today," Izuku sighed to himself.

Izuku was a short teen with short blond hair, and dark blue eyes. He stood at only 5,6, with a frail build. Izuku a very smart person, being ranked 3rd in all of japan junior high school, but he was always over looked by those with quirks. He sighed taking about how many times he'd been looked over. Izuku picked his head up, when the teacher entered the room, a stack of paper in hand.

"Ok class I have these career papers for everyone to fill," His teach said, to the students disappointment.

His teacher than gained a smug look. "But I already know every last one of you wants to be a heroes," He said throwing the papers into the air.

The class erupted into cheers, using their quirks, with the teachers protest.

"Ok class, you all have impressive quirks, but you know it's against the to use your quirks in school," The teacher said, trying to calm down his class.

The teacher began to read down a list of school students had applied for. He stop when he saw the school Katsuki had applied to.

"Hey teach, don't lump me in with this group of losers" A boy with sandy hair spoke up after staying silent most of the class "I'm the real deal, these rejects will be lucky to be sidekicks of some busted D lister" The boy bragged. At this, the whole class turned against him

"HEY! you think you're better than us Katsuki, huh?"


"Let's goooo, I'll take you all on"

The teacher soon silenced the class and started reading Katsuki's result

"Huh, you've got pretty impressive marks, maybe you will get into UA"
"He's aiming for the national!"
"That school has a 0.2 acceptance rate"
"It's impossible to get in to"

"And that is exactly why its the only school worthy of me" Katsuki said, began another bragging session

"Well it does make sense for Mr.Bakugo to apply for U.A, after all his mother was a famous hero," the teacher said

"I am going to be the number one hero, even greater than All Might himself. I'll be the richest, most famous hero the world has ever seen AND IT ALL STARTS WITH UA HIGH"

'Of course he's only want money, and fame," Izuku sighed to himself.

"Oh Midoriya, your also aiming for U.A i see" The teacher said, a malicious glint in his eyes.

Izuku sulked in his seat, as he meet eyes with the teacher. The class began to laugh, with izuku being able to see the teacher silently laughing. Izuke could feel the heat angered gaze of katsuki on his neck.

"Hahahaha, as if they'd every allow a qurikless loser to join"

"HA, as if you could even be a side kick,"

"He'd be lucky to even swept the floors,"

"WHATIWASONLYGOINGFOR-" Izuku's suttered speech was cut off by his desk by the sound of crackling.

Izuku sulked once again into his seat, sweating under the gaze of Katsuki. 'Can i even be a hero,' He questioned himself.

Half an hour later the school ringed, singling the end of school. Izuku started to place his thing in his bag, wanting to quickly go home and sleep, but was interrupted when he felt a hand on his shoulder. Knowing who it was he looked back with emotionless which sent shiver down the person touching he shoulder spine.

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