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"I never thought I'd see you again--" The guy grinned as Lisa took off the hood of her hoodie as she walked in "it took you long enough."

"I never thought I'd see myself again here either" she sighed before sitting down on a beat-up couch in the basement's corner. "I think I've just hit a new low."

He raised his eyebrows, "aren't you in a relationship now though? With that hot rich woman... Not really sure what she does but she's rich enough to be on the lists."

Lisa smiled sadly, "I do. I have my niece back. I'm in a relationship... Yet I've never felt emptier than before. When I'm with them I forget a bit but..." She shook her head before reaching for her wallet, "how much?"

He grinned, "300 dollar is enough. I'll even give you them rolled already."

Lisa nodded and handed him the rolled-up cash before sighing, "it's just weed anyways... Not hard drugs."

He chuckled, "watch out or it soon will be. From what I've seen you have a good life Lalisa... Don't throw it away, okay?"

She nodded and took the rolled up blunts that were wrapped in black paper, "I'll keep your advice in mind..."

The guy nodded and grabbed his phone as Lisa left him, her weed safely tucked in her back.

If they ever did a test at work she can just say that she attended a party and ate brownies without being aware... Yes that sounds believable enough. It can happen to anyone right?

"Idiot..." she muttered to herself as she drove back home, the business of the city slowly fading away as she reached the gated neighborhoods.

She had never really asked, but she was curious how much her girlfriend earned. She never seemed to be concerned about money and spent it freely without any thought.

Arriving home, she quietly walked inside the house.


"Where did you go?" Roseanne calmly asked as she walked into the living room.

Lisa swallowed before turning around and smiled slightly, "work? I told you right?"

The older woman nodded, "how was it then? At work?"

"Good," the cop sighed and walked over to the fridge, taking out a bottle of water.

The older woman nodded slightly and looked out of the big glass window that faced her big garden, "relationships are built on things like trust and communication. You know that right?"

Lisa smiled slightly, "I do. I know baby."

The detective nodded and got up, "I can't and won't control your actions. I don't... I want our relationship to be as healthy as possible. But you should know that actions have consequences..."

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