You've Got A Friend

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Ellen was lightly dozing when John suddenly crept into the room with the eerie silence he'd perfected as a teen when attempting to sneak out Mimi's back door. But just like his aunt, Ellen seemed to have almost preternatural hearing. She caught him while he still stood in the doorway.

"What are you doing in here?" She demanded and instantly pulled the covers up to her neck to hide the thin silk nightgown she was wearing.
"First of all, there's no reason to act shy. Nothing i havent seen countless times before. And i really just thought you might want some company since your husband banned you from going to the Monkees concert tonight."

"The stress wouldn't be good for me."
"Mike makes MOST of the decisions about what is and isn't good for you, doesn't he?"
"Look who's talking."

"I was mainly just trying to keep other men away from you."
"By keeping me with YOU as much as possible."
"I don't recall you complaining...too much anyway, at the time."
"Michael doesn't control me if that's what you were implying," she insisted, steering the conversation away from her past relationship with John.
"Whatever you say Ellie."

He sat on the bed next to her. "So what do you want to do?"
"John, I was fine on my own. I don't need you to entertain me."
"Go on, you were so bored that you were falling asleep."
"Maybe I'm just tired."
"Yeah, being preggers does that."
"Michael told you?"
"I think he was rather pleased to tell me he'd knocked you up actually...he doesn't trust me ya know."
"I told you that he doesn't miss much."
Lennon sat there silently for a time, stared at her intently as if he suddenly had something he really wanted to say but either wasn't sure how or if he SHOULD. Both possibilities were rare occurrences. Normally he let fall out of his mouth everything that came into his head immediately.
"Are you happy Ellie, really happy?" He asked at last.
"Of course I am. I love my husband very much, and he loves me. What's this about?"
"I just wanted to be sure. If I can't have you, I'd at least like to know you're satisfied with your life, that you and Mike are good."
"Why wouldn't we be?"
"No reason."
"John I'm getting the distinct impression that you really have something you'd like to say. Just say it."

"It's nothing. You're too suspicious."
"It's best to ALWAYS be a bit suspicious with YOU."
"That one hurts El. I wasn't up to no good ALL the time."
She sighed, "I suppose you're right-just MOST of the time."
"I learned from the best."
"Why thank you Mrs. Nesmith."
"I'm not sure why, but it sounds somewhat strange hearing YOU call me that."
"That's cause you'd like to forget you're married when you're with me."
"That is SO not true."
"Say what you like-i know you better than you know yourself."
"I highly doubt that."
"Well ALMOST as much at least."
"What am I thinking right now then?"
He considered for a second, "that you'd like me to kiss you again?"
"Can you stop trying to seduce me just for one evening?"
"You know that's never really been my thing. I prefer the direct approach. If thats what i had in mind I'd just ask if you want to fuck."

"So do you?" He asked impishly.
"Absoulutely not!"
"Me thinks thou doth protest too much."
"You're quoting Shakespeare now?"
"I'm not a COMPLETE scouser ya know...just like how YOU'RE not the perfect Saint you'd like to be."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Despite what you say, you DO want me, probably nearly as much as I want you."
He kissed her then with a gentleness much less common than the passion he usually displayed. "You know there isn't any reason for you to try and be so noble Ellen; there really isn't."
She pulled away with an effort. "I'm not like YOU, John. I happen to take my marriage vows seriously."
"At least SOMEONE does," he remarked with more than a touch of bitterness.
"I won't apologize for that...and I won't change my mind," she said, somehow missing the implication in his words entirely.
"All right I give up...for now. I'll still stay and talk with you awhile though if you want. I'm your friend if nothing else."
He took her hand, looked at her earnestly once more. "I'll always be your friend Ellie. If you ever need...ANYTHING, just ask."

"You've been unusually serious overall tonight. Are you sure everything is all right?"
"Don't you worry. I'd never let anything bad happen to you if I could help it."
"That isnt exactly..."
"Shh...let's talk about something else."

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