2>Hugo de rune

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Wrens pov:

The ride back to the de runes home was silent, no one spoke a word until we got to the gate a sir robert ordered me to escort amecia to Beatrice de rune to tell about today or something like that. We got off of the horses and began walking as everyone spoke to amecia on the way being so friendly. She told the, the forest was off limits, as we were nearing the building she turned to me "can you wait here while I say a prayer in the church?" "Of course" I replied.

She took a while but then we were back walking through the halls. We reached Beatrice's study and knocked, amecia quickly ran into her room to get something as I entered and greeted the woman. "Evening miss de rune" I said as I bowed my head. "I don't know what my husband has been telling but there's no need for the formality here wren.... Call me Beatrice" "of course ,Beatrice" with that amecia entered the room "mother" she spoke "you know your not supposed to be here" "something attacked lion in the forest!" Amecia told. I just watched the interaction as I heard horses trotting and saddle the Beatrice jumped up in fear.

She got up and walking to the window "but it's true-" "shhh.. you are to stay with your brother" she cut amecia off then turned to me "stay with them both ... that's an order" "yes Beatrice" I replied knowing me working with Robert I would not refuse his wife even though her daughter annoys me to hell and back sometimes. She gets a pass for the time being to be rude to me under the circumstances that her dog just died. "Why what what's happening?" Amecia follows her mother as she walks out the door "close the door behind me and do not open the shutters. Whatever happens"Beatrice commands.

"But Hugo!" Ameicia argues "he is not contagious. I realise you hardly know him. But he will be alright trust me amecia." Beatrice says as she walks through the door. *not contagious?* what's the matter with Hugo? "Yes mother" Amecia says closing the door behind Beatrice.
She walks back into the study "all these potions,mother will you ever be able to cure him?" She says to herself "what's wrong with Hugo,why does he need to be cured?" I let's my curiosity get the best of me "nothing that concerns you!" She bites back. I glare at her as she walks into Hugo's room, me following behind.

"Mummy?" We hear a little voice call out "mummy are you there?" We walk towards the voice "where is he? Hugo!" Amecia calls. She lifts the tent cover out of the way to reveal a small brunette boy dresses in blue. He sits up as amecia introduces herself as his sister, turning to me she says "this is a soldier who's always following me for some reason" she taunts and Hugo chuckles "my name is wren and that's not true, but nice to meet you Hugo." I say as I crouch "hello." Hugo says softly * he's so cute what the hell?!* amecia continues "we haven't seen each other much. Mummy will be back soon!" Just as she finishes we hear shouting outside. Despite what Beatrice said I rush to the window and open the shutters and gasp as I call amecia over.

Third person pov
Robert de rune is pushed onto his knees on the ground as other soldiers surround him, a soldier armoured head to toe gets off of a horse "did he talk?" He says I'm a deep voice " no lord Nicholas " "he killed two of our men!" Soldiers come forth speaking. Lord Nicholas stands infront of robert de rune on his knees "where is he?" Nicholas speaks spinning around " I won't ask again.... Where is your son?!" "In good hands" robert speaks as he looks up to Nicholas. Nicholas grabs his sword and slashes roberts neck as he spins back around.

Wrens pov:
I'm speechless and in shock as amecia gasps I pull her away we're bothe breathing heavily as we hear Nicholas say "search the house!" This snaps me out of my daze and I turn to amecia and say" Amecia we need to get Hugo out of here, they won't stop looking!" This seems to jolt her as she runs into Hugo's room. "Is that mummy?" Hugo asks and we hear pounding on the door. Amecia crouches behind a table with books and calls Hugo after her. I stay behind the pair with Hugo's hand holding on to my tunic and other holding amecias hand. "What's happening?" "Shhh" the door bursts open "I know your here kid" the guard says.

We sneak past the gauged threatening gabrielle for Hugo's whereabouts. It's sick but there's no other choice. Amecia seems to be thinking the same thing as we make our way downstairs and past more guards torturing the servants. "Oh god" "no what are they doing!" "We can't help them Hugo,I'm sorry" I tell him as we sneak into the cooking area and go to open the door only for it to reveal a gaurd. He turns around and we all back up , me standing slightly in front to give the de rune kids more of chance "that was to easy" he laughs to himself only to be hit on the head with s rock and when he falls it reveals Beatrice de rune to be the one holding it.

I step to the side and Hugo releases his hold on my tunic and Beatrice walks forwards "my darling children" she says as she crouches and hugs them both and kisses Hugo on the forehead. She then turns to me and says "thank you for staying with them" "of course" I reply. I may not get along with amecia but I wouldn't leave her with Hugo all alone "follow me " Beatrice says and that's what we do as we follow her it's Beatrice, amecia, Hugo then me. We followed behind her as she led us through the gardens. We got to the end of the garden when the gardener popped up out of the grass "your alive!" He said "quickly come" as he tried the door but failed as it was locked. Next to the door was a hole on the floor leading to the other side but only big enough for one person there. We all turned to Hugo.

Beatrice spoke first "Hugo we need you to crawl through that hole there and unlock the door on the other side, can you do that for me?" "What's out there, It might be scary!" He said back "come on Hugo be brave for mummy okay you can do this. Amecia is going to let go of you hand now okay?" I watched as he crawled through my heart was beating out of my chest at the thought there was another guard on the other side. I only met the boy 20 minutes ago and yet I'm fearing for his life.

The door unlocks and Hugo's head peaks through"I did it!" Beatrice goes to speak but we hear guards shouting "THERE THEY ARE!" "GET THEM" so Beatrice pushes us all out of the door "what about you" Amecia asks "Hugo go hide in that grass there please" I tell him. "You will be alright, find Laurentius he will know what to do" Beatrice tells. And with that she closes the door. We hear the soldiers near as amecia bangs on the door screaming, until a bloody sword came out the other end of the wood she jumped backwards "NO!" Amecia screamed, she turned to me "I WISH YOU WERE ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THAT DOOR INSTEAD!" She shouted in anger.

My heart skipped a beat as I stared at her, her face remained the same but her eyes filled with regret and pain, soldiers spotted us and I ran to Hugo to grab his hand, amecia grabbing the other "what's happening where's mummy?" He asked "mummy will catch up but we need to go " Amecia lied to him

Amecias pov:
Why did I say that? she will leave Hugo and I now! I didn't mean it. Keep running!! I ran as fast as I could with wren slightly in the lead dragging Hugo beside her so he wouldn't fall behind us. I grabbed his other hand again as my lungs burnt. I could see a dead end coming up. When we got there I turned to wren "jump." She said "what!?" "JUMP!" And with that we all jumped over the edge into the water ,as I hit the water my vision went black.

Wooooooo starting to get this story going
Poor Hugo, stuck in the middle with no clue of what's going on

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