I posted it here as well

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3 theories about where the equation playground is and where algebraliens come from:

I have a theory that the equation playground isn't on Earth but rather a far away different planet and that Four wanted to go find a better place to take off and go back to his home planet, or a place from where it would be a bit more easy to teleport such a long distance, since we don't actually see how Four got to the equation playground, the video just suddenly cuts to him being there, and Four and X as well as Two seem to have come from space, since they are aliens.

Another theory I have is that the equation playground is technically on Earth but a different dimension of the planet, kind of like how in stories there is a fairy land dimension that's still of the Earth and overlays/overlaps and syncs up with our own human dimension, in those fairytales people and fairies alike are able to travel between dimensions if the conditions to do so are met like if: the time is right, if they find a specific place, if they do a ritual or if they have powerful enough magic, so maybe that's the case with the objects and algebraliens as well. And when I say the dimensions are synced up I mean the fact that the planet moves through space all the time, so it's dimensions would be synced up to eachother to move in the same direction and still be connected with eachother.

And then the theory that the equation playground is on Earth straight up, not on a different faraway planet or in a different dimension of Earth or anything like that, just straight up on Earth, since in this video Four walked to the equation playground.

I personally tend to believe my first theory, the second one I made for a fun though experiment but don't believe, and I also don't believe the third one since in the show all the algebraliens actually straight up came from space.

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