Chapter 0.5: Prologue!

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*Apparently, if I say here that all characters involved in this Story are 18+, it should be left alone by Wattpad... let's try this out and see! 

Also, I could still do with some more suggestions for Pornstar to appear in this story! I have a lot but not many from the UK or a variety, if that makes sense... Just suggest a few more names and I'll add them all to the list of names! 

Oh and just a heads up, for the story Chapters, I'll be using their real life names, unless I can't find it, then I'll use their actress name, but I'll be using their Pornstar names in the filming Chapters, so Elsa Jean will be the Elsa Jean in the Smut Chapters while outside of them, I'll be using her real name, Sapphire. Make Sense? Cool. Enjoy!*


It's 2020 and Logan's new to the American scene, he's spent most of his life in England just being on his own so he figured he'd come to a country where not too many people know who he is, people can get intimidated by a personal when they learn that person is the 25 most richest man in the World, especially at 21 years old, although he'd give it all up just for a friend that won't stab him in the back at the first chance they get.

Sapphire: Hey handsome, want some company?

Logan's found himself in a club, he only came in here to drink, he nearly didn't get served, he didn't know the legal drinking age in America was 21, he kind of moved over here without doing much research, it was the spur in a moment sort of thing, luckily, he turned 21 just before his move over here a week ago, so as soon as he should proof, they gave him a drink, the beautiful women beside him was just a bonus...

Logan's found himself in a club, he only came in here to drink, he nearly didn't get served, he didn't know the legal drinking age in America was 21, he kind of moved over here without doing much research, it was the spur in a moment sort of thing...

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... Logan smiled to her kindly then shrugged, letting her sit down, he has no idea how to talk to women, so when she sat there with her drink facing his direction, one arm rested on the bar, his eyes did everything they could to avoid eye contact, Sapphire chuckled, she loves meeting cute nervous guys.

Sapphire: You've never talked to a girl before, have you?

It was now Logan's turn to chuckle on his chuckle was more of nerves then hers was, she was clearly taking a liking to him and even he wasn't stupid enough to see that, he's just trying not to say something so stupid that he ruins this as well as all the other moments he's seems to have messed up in his life leading to this point.

Logan: What gave you that idea? Maybe I just love all these bottles on the wall.

Sapphire giggled as he indicated to the bar behind the guys back there pouring, making and serving drinks, he didn't mean to be funny, again he was just trying not to screw this up, Logan's at that point now where he needs to get a win and having this girl actually talking to him, is a massive win right now.

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