My lovely (ex) partner.

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Sorry about my shitty English.

Dazai was sitting on the sofa in the living room, he was writing a draft of his next book, Ranpo was lying on the omega's lap enjoying the softness of his thighs.

The Omega hummed an Italian suicide song thinking about what he should write next, he was a little out of ideas for what to write next.

-Italian?- asked Ranpo even though he knew the answer.

The brunette nodded, it was something curious that few people knew, but Dazai was born in Italy and raised there until he was eight years old, as his mother was Italian, before being taken to Yokohama, his father's birthplace, after his mother's death.

(this is totally not an excuse for me to show off that I'm learning Italian and French)

(idk why but dazai gives me an Italian vibe)

Dazai found himself diving into his memories, the streets of Venice so peaceful and at the same time so chaotic, he remembers his mother holding his hand firmly while humming the same Italian suicide song.

His mother was...really something, a tall, strong and independent woman, he remembers how she proudly expressed the fact that she never changed her surname.

Chiara Ricci Dazai was truly an incredible woman, Dazai always admired how she didn't care about the fact that he liked to play with dolls unlike other people who judged him for it, she even sewed clothes for his dolls!

her soft hands, her melodic laugh, the way she played the violin with so much passion, all these memories of her made Dazai's heart ache as he remembered when she was gone.

Chiara gave Dazai all the love she could and even more, she did her best to make up for the lack of affection from his father, Masato Tsushima.

Masato Tsushima was the complete opposite of Chiara, he was rude, aggressive and completely manipulative, he manipulated Chiara into "loving" him and depending on him emotionally to the point that Chiara didn't even care when he hit her, that was normal for her.

For little Shuji this was always normal, but it felt so...wrong. He could not prevent or predict the day when he would come home and find his mother hanging from a rope around her neck...on his room.

"The perfect suicide" she called it on her suicide note to him, Shuji didn't knew what to think, say or do, he just felt empty.

Dazai snapped out of his thoughts when Ranpo bopped his nose.

-Stop thinking to much about the past pretty boy, it all ready happened-said Ranpo.

The Omega gave him a weak smile and kissed his forehead softly.

Ranpo snorted like a unsatisfied child, he opened his eyes looking at Dazai.

-Kiss me properly! - he said with a pout.

Dazai felt his cheeks heat up, no matter how many times they did this in the last two years, he still felt embarrassed like a schoolgirl.

Dazai took a shaky breath before pressing his lips gently against Ranpo's, his lips moved softly, no need to rush, just pure affection and love.

When Dazai separated he saw Ranpo staring at him with those beautiful emerald green eyes, the omega felt himself warm up inside as he wondered how it was possible for someone to look at him with such affection.

Ranpo patted his head, smiling fondly.

-Stop thinking so loud I can hear your thoughts from here

-Sorry...-he said trying to cover his face with his book.

Ranpo chuckled in response.

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