Chapter- 2

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"We are landing at the London Heathrow Airport. Please be seated" The pilot said as we landed. My heart was squeezing. The feeling of leaving everything back and starting out in a new country was a little overwhelming, exactly like the first time when I left India for the US. As much as I cribbed about NYC to my Delhi people, I had accepted it and it embraced me in its arms for two years. Oh, London! Please be nice and warm to me. As soon as I get out of the airport, the New York Breeze was replaced by a London wind storm and a little drizzle. I quickly get into the cab. The cab driver chats with me in a very friendly manner with his thick English accent, one that I have always been fond of. There is some royalty and style in the way British people talk. "When will the summers start here?" I asked. "This is the Bri'ish Summer, love," he laughed. Really? If this is the summer here then what's the winter like? I look outside the window, the rain, the weather, the landscape, the fashion, the bustle, so similar yet so different. 

The cab reaches my new address. King's Cross is where both my office and home are located. My colleague/friend named Mia, from the NYC office moved here last year for another job. As soon as she got to know that I was starting work in London, she told me she's looking for a flat mate to share the house with and we agreed that it works well for both of us to live together. 

I am standing outside the big glass building, buzzing my flat on the 6th floor. Once, twice, thrice, what's happening? I had called her when I was in the cab 10 mins before reaching here and she said she'll let me in. Now she's not responding and I'm drenching in rain. After 5 mins I see her coming outside the building. 

"Heyyy!!" Mia hugs me without caring about the rain. I hug her back and we in this moment we both understand what this hug means. We've got each other. I'm happy I know someone here already otherwise things would have been much more difficult. As for her, she has a friend joining in her life here. "I'm so sorry, you had to wait. I was coming down but JJ stopped me and asked for a favor on my way to you so that took the time," she said helping me with my luggage. "Oh that's alright. Who's JJ though?" I ask. "He's our neighbor. Quite a big deal here and around the world as well. Haven't you heard of KSI?" I nod in a no. "Oh yeah, you only know hollywood biggies," she teases. 

She opens the door to our apartment as we enter. She gives me a tour and all I can say is wow! It's a great house. The living room is big with a balcony attached on one side and an open kitchen and dining on the other. The bedrooms are spacious, bathrooms decent sized. I quickly freshen up to have dinner as I was super hungry. We order pizzas for dinner. I tell her everything about my life and the office since she left and she gives me tea on her life.

"Aahhh! This is heaven" I say as I eat my pizza. "Don't make these sounds too loud girl, we've got horny neighbors," she says while laughing. What the hell was she talking about? Anyway, I was too tired to ask. She's got work tomorrow and I'm too exhausted so we both go to our bedrooms after wishing goodnight. I wake up to someone knocking on the door. I check the time on my phone and it was 1 in the afternoon. What the hell? I've been sleeping for the entire night and morning. My body was definitely dead after that long flight. I get up from my bed to see who's there. As I open the door, there's a big guy standing in front of me. I'm 5'2 and this man is towering around 5'11 with a broad muscular torso. He stares me up and down. "Hey, who are you?" he asks. Is this man for real? He has come to my house and asking me who am I. "Sorry, but who are youu?" I ask. "Well, I asked you first. Anyway, where is Mia?" he said in a tone as if she was something to him. I knew this wasn't her boyfriend from the description she gave me yesterday. I instantly realize this is her annoying stalker ex boyfriend she told me about. "You need to get a life and leave Mia alone. If you don't stop, you'll not see another day." I warn him and slam the door on his face. I leave to take a shower and hear this man laughing loudly. What a crazy guy. I get ready, and go to the kitchen. Mia had already left the food for me. What a cutie. I finish my meal and start preparing dinner for us. I know it's early but I want to get done with it so I can finally unpack the suitcases and arrange my stuff. As I'm in the middle of cooking, my phone rings, its Mia. 

"Hey Avni, did someone come to our house?"

"Yes, but don't worry Mia, I know it was your stupid ex. I warned him and he won't come back."

"Oh no no no, he wasn't my ex. It was JJ, our neighbor and my friend. I received a parcel for him in the morning before leaving for work as he wasn't home. He came to collect that."

"What? Oh god, this is bad, so bad." I face palmed myself.

"It's my fault, I forgot to tell you. This was the favor he wanted from me yesterday when I was coming to pick you up at the building's entrance. Could you please give him the parcel? His flat is the other one on our floor."

"Okay, I'll do it. Bye."

There were only 2 flats on one floor so it was obvious he is the one living next door. Holyyy mother, how embarrassing this is going to be. I see a box on the floor, pick it up, go out and knock on the door in front of me, waiting for it to open along with the earth where I can bury myself.

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