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A young man looked in the window of a shop and stares at the clothing displayed. It was a beautiful robe with intricate edging and expertly sewn patterns. It was fit for a king or a prince, royalty of the highest caliber. It used to be something that young man would even pick out for himself. The door to the shop opened up and what looked like the owner of the facility walked out with a frown.

"Are you just going to stand there and gawk or are you going to come inside?" The young man looked over and the owner suddenly gasped, bowing. "My lord..."

The young man quickly put his hand over the bottom half of his face and walked in the opposite direction. The owner of the shop followed him and grabbed his shoulder.

"Pardon my impudence, my lord, but I must ask you-"

"Let go of me." The young man said, pulling his shoulder from the shop owner. "You saw nothing here today."

"But... my lord, we've been looking for you for months..."

"Don't breathe a word to anyone." He growled, turning around to look at the shop owner. "Do you understand?"

The shop owner didn't understand but he did know that this man was higher than him and should be shown respect. He nodded and gave another bow.

"My apologies, sir, I must have mistaken you for someone else."

The young man nodded and continued to walk in the opposite direction. It was a bad idea to go into town and it was an even dumber idea to go into town and not have his face covered with something. He was getting careless as much as he was getting desperate. Things were starting to become harder and he didn't want to be sent back home just yet... As he walked a little further, he suddenly felt a pain in his stomach and he leaned against a building to brace himself for the wave of pain. He doubled over and endured the pain, panting as he stood back up. As he stood up, he realized that things were getting much worse and he ran off with the best of his ability.


A few hours later, he entered into the forest and leaned on a tree to catch his breath. As he did, he opened up the dull and plain robes he had on and pulled them apart. As the fabric fell to either side of him, it was now plain to see what was going on and why he didn't want to be recognized. A large, extended midsection was showing through the undergarments of his robes. It looked a little bigger due to his position as he leaned on the tree, but it was there nonetheless. The young man put his hand on the orb and rubbed it softly, finally getting the strength to right himself to standing. He fanned himself with the robes and tied them again, but not as tight, and he made his way deeper into the woods.

He eventually got to a cottage and grabbed the basket that was sitting outside of the door, deciding to go and get some apples from the orchard. He had gone into town to try and get to the butcher but he didn't get to make it due to the shop owner. He was so stupid... How could he get caught within two minutes?

"Milord, is that you?" a small voice called from inside the cottage.

The young man opened the door and walked in, putting the basket on the table.

"It's me. Sorry, I didn't get to the butcher. Someone recognized me so I thought I'd go and get some apples instead."

"You can't eat apples every day. You have to eat meat."

The young lord walked into the back of the cottage where another young man was laying in the bed. He looked haggard and pale, a sheen of sweat covering his body. The young lord walked in and took the rag from the basin beside the other man and wrung out the excess water. He dabbed the rag on his companion's face as the other let out a weak cough.

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