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Dragging Atreyu through the forest and into the village was a daunting task, but Diho wasn't going to let his guardian go that easily. The poison was something he was sure the doctors at the palace could cure, but he hadn't wanted to go back home due to the... growing issue. He knew his father would blame Atreyu for what was happening and throw him in prison, not even trying to understand what happened or why it happened. All he would see was Diho as he was, blame Atreyu, and try to cover up the scandal. The queen would probably be disgusted and his brother would make fun of him... It was a nightmare to think about, but Atreyu was more important than any of them. This man had been through thick and thin with him, never leaving, and Diho would do the same.

"You still with me?" Diho asked over his shoulder.

"Yes, my prince." Atreyu answered softly.

Diho nodded and walked over to the owner of the shop that he had seen earlier. He wasn't sure if he lived at the shop or not, but he had to take a chance. He knocked on the door loudly and felt Atreyu press his face into Diho's shoulder. The noise must have been too loud for him. A few minutes later, the door opened a crack and the owner looked out. Seeing Diho, he opened the door wider and looked around.

"Your Highness, what brings you by?"

"Remember when I said that I didn't want to be discovered?" The man nodded. "Now I do. My friend is dying and I need to go back to the palace to get him treatment. Do you know where a royal guard may be posted in this village? Or someone who can take me into the capital?"

The shop owner looked behind him and then looked at the two of them.

"Your friend doesn't look like he will make it if I try to get a royal guard to help you. You need a horse, milord."

"A horse will do. I don't care as long as it moves and is fast."

The shop owner pointed. "I can lend you my horse. She's stored over there in the stables. Give me a moment and I will meet you over there."

Diho nodded and made his way over to the stables. Atreyu moved his head and coughed, moaning a little as he did.

"Hang on, Atreyu, I'm getting us a ride."

Atreyu didn't answer and Diho was getting very worried. The man almost let himself die while he was out a moment ago and he could tell that he was having trouble keeping himself awake. Diho waited for the shop owner to meet them at the stables and a few minutes later, he really came. He unlocked the door to the barn and led them to a small stable where a strong mare was sleeping soundly in her hay.

"Her name is Flower. She's fast but she's sweet. I hope she is swift enough for you, milord."

"I hope so too. Would you please help me get my friend onto the horse? He's practically dead weight and I've been dragging him for miles."

"Of course, Your Highness."

The shop owner woke up Flower and touched her muzzle to calm her down from waking her up from her dream. She sputtered but seemed like she was awake now and the shop owner saddled her up. He directed her to lay down again so that they could get Atreyu onto her without too much difficulty. She stood back up and the shop owner helped Diho mount her as well. It was a good thing he helped because Diho wasn't sure how he was going to get on the horse with his center of gravity messed up. Of course, the shop owner didn't know that and was just doing his duty as a citizen.

Diho thanked the man profusely and told him he would have Flower returned to him as soon as he got back to the capital. The shop owner told him to take his time and it was an honor to serve his prince. With that said, Diho moved Atreyu so that he was leaning back on him and kicked the horse into a trot.

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