15 - Thinking Back -

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[Edgar POV]

"What?" I was frozen solid. I couldn't move. At ALL. Don't tell me they had- SHUT UP EDGAR. They couldn't have.

I shoved Colette's red face away and stormed into the bathroom. No way they're big, for such a little person. I paled and demolished that thought. I sighed and grabbed my blankets and fell asleep.

[Next Morning]

"Edgar." A soft voice far away. Colette. Colette. You're mine.

"Mmhm?" I mumbled, my eyes peeling open. I saw Colette bouncing around everywhere. Almost as though she forgot what happened. My thoughts darkened.

"My head's a bit dizzy. Uhh. What happened yesterday?" She asked and I turned red, remembering what she had said to me. "Ah. Forget I asked. Wait, how'd I get home again? Huh? What? You carried me? Wait, I'm remembering! Huuuuuh? What? We spoke with each other. And Fang and I were drinking? Wait, was HE drinking? Uhhh. What did we talk about again? I remember touching soft lips??? WAIT. OH NO." Colette charged past me and I was on the verge of fainting.

Colette remembered. "Wait, Colette." My scarf reached out and dragged her back.

"Yaaahhhh, stop it!!!" She complained while laughing as my scarf tickled her neck. "Heyyyy."

I was serious now. "Did you remember what you said to me when you were on your bed?"

"I sleep talked?" She asked.

"Yeah..." I told her, turning away in embarrassment.

"Wh-WHAT DID I SAY?" Colette commanded, jumping on me and pushing me to the floor.

"Woooahhh, chill." Colette is kinda heavy, heavy enough to pin me down even if she is a younger than me

"WHAT DID I SAAAAYYYY???" She grabbed my scarf and wrestled with it.

"Do you really want to know?" I asked her, my face probably becoming tomato red.

"Do I? I mean, it can't be thaaat bad, but why would your face look red? Hmm. You can tell me."

"Uhhhhmmmm. Ok. Uh. Wait." Oh god this is stupid and embarrassing. "Faaaaang. You're tooooo biggggg." I threw Colette back on her bed and bolted out of the door.

[Colette POV]

"Faaaaang. You're tooooo biggggg." Edgar said, the next second, he was gone and I was on my bed. What. What just happened? I was on my bed, shaking. I did NOT say that. Does Edgar think I had... STUFF with Fang? Nooo, ewwww. Does he think I like him? Uhhh. Fang is kinda hot, but not my type. Cool emo people are sooo much better.

I lost my footing on the bed and fell, grabbing my scrapbook and scrambling to write in it before forgetting.

Dear diary,

This is the woooooorst day ever. I was drinking with Fang yesterday and I remember EVERY THING! Soooo basically,

Fang confessed, going deep and adorable. I knew I couldn't break his heart, but... I didn't like him. When he confessed, something thudded on the floor upstairs, I think it was Edgar, but there was no way! Uhh, so I kind of said that I didn't like him and that I was sorry. Anyway, I suggested making up to him by asking if he wanted to do anything in the evening.

And then, Fang asked me if I wanted to go to Spike's Salad Steakhouse, which gave me painful memories of Edgar, but I couldn't turn another thing down from Fang. Anyway, I ate my delicious  salad and Fang ate something else, then he ordered soooo much alcoholic drinks that I'm pretty sure I went drunk, I'm also pretty sure he hardly drank any.

Then he asked me again whether I liked him or not. CHEATER. I WAS DRUNK. Uhh. I'm pretty sure I said yes. I WAS DRUNK. And then. OHHH. I kissed Fang. It was awesome in a betraying way, I didn't even like him, I liked Edgar, but it felt SO good, kissing Fang, he actually seemed kinda SKILLED(???) in kissing.

Edgar soon came, looking kinda pissed and grabbed me and told Fang that he wanted to talk to me.

Soooo. He was like 'Colette.' and I was soooo stupid and asked him 'Fang, wanna kiss again?' This is sooo stupid. I could tell that Edgar was angry and then he said, 'I'm not Fang, I'm Edgar, the one you like' or something and I was like, 'Oh, hey Edgar!' Like NOTHING happened. Then Edgar asked me why I liked Fang when I liked him. And I was like 'Nooo? I didn't.' Then Edgar was like, 'Then why are you here?' I think he was angry?

Umm. And then I said that I was asking Fang if he wants to do anything in the evening and he says yes. And then... I'm not entirely sure, I just remember, darkness, until this morning.

It's STUPID. I know. Anyways, that's kind of it. I don't like Fang. I like Edgar.

Bye bye.

From Colette.

"Colette!" Edgar called. I was too embarrassed to answer and just buried my head in my pillow. "Breakfast is ready." He tried.

"Yeah Colette!" Fang. My heart stopped. Not now! "Come on, Cloud, get down." He said teasingly. I knew that Edgar was glaring daggers at Fang. What about giving Fang the silent treatment for a while. And plus, he made me kiss him for no reason. No. He did it so he could feel victorious. YEP. SILENT TREATMENT IT IS. I jumped downstairs and urged myself to go up to Edgar.

"Thanks, Ed. Oh. I can call you that, right?"

The nod and smile Edgar gave me was adorably cute, Fang looked pretty annoyed. "Of course, Furball."

"Hmm? Where'd you get that from?" I asked, curiously.

Edgar laughed. "Last night your hair was so messy that it was a little furball."

"YOU LITTLE!" Edgar's scarf tickled me and I shrieked. "Stoooop!! Ahhhhh!" Fang suddenly stepped up and defended me.

"It's alright, cloud." I froze and pulled away from him. "Like your nickname?" He asked, tugging me back in for a hug, his head hung low, to my forehead and kissed me gently. I froze again.

Edgar. He's probably going crazy now. "Fang. Please. Let go of me."

"What if I can't get enough of you?" He asked, brushing a hand across my cheeks. Slap. Oops. Oh. Fang's hand was hovering there and I had slapped it.

[Edgar POV]

Slap. The sound echoed in Fang's room. "Oh. OH! Fang! Are you okay? I'm sorry! I really am!"

Fang laughed, but it sounded darker than usual. "I'm fine." He brushed Colette's hair and she ducked away and walked to me, where I protectively covered her.

Fang stared at me. Then stared at her and sighed. Wait. What if, Fang isn't my first friend I find in Starr City. And it's Colette. No. I should still stay close with Fang. For my own safety. Fang smiled. "Looks like you guys are up to something, huh?"

"No." I shoved Colette away and winked secretly at her. She smiled and nodded.

Maybe Colette and I were seeking for something special.

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