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[Fang POV]

The girls ALL gasped. It was disgusting. Janet was just staring me with her jaw slack. "I-"

"Say no! And then you can date FANG!" The girls whispered very loudly.

"I'm not." Janet smiled slyly at me and I smiled back.

"Great! Soooo. You wanna date or what?" URGH. Fang, that was AWFUL!


[Edgar POV]

After a few minutes of calming Colette down, I decided to get her a limited addition Poop Spike plushie which she, for some reason, adored. After getting her that plushie, Colette helped me make dinner. Fast day. I could feel the stress.

"Don't stress Edgar. I know you'll make it in." Colette reassured me.

"Thanks. I'm just worried about Fang. I know I shouldn't have been that mean to him." Colette stayed silent. "I'll text him."

Edgar: umm. fang?

Edgar: hello?

Edgar: umm. i just want to say how sorry i am. i shouldn't have done everything i did. i'm so sorry fang. please forgive me.

Fang: hi edgar!!!

Fang: oh. that's fine! still friends right?

Edgar: mhm

Fang: don't worry. i found a girl. you can keep cole.

Edgar: who?

Fang: heheh this damn hot girl called janet.

Edgar: ohh, the stunt girly?

Fang: yep. oh. we're dating?

Edgar: ooooh. congrats.

Fang: thanks edgar. good luck with cole.

Edgar: bye.

"Phew. Fang's forgiven us."


"Yeah. I think it's cause he found a girl."

"Wooooow! Who!"

"Janet." I told her.

"Oooh. I heard she's kinda cute." Colette told me, hugging my chest and jumping onto me.

A long pause.

"Want to make it official?"I asked Colette in fear. Colette stared at me and smiled, her pointy teeth glimmered.

"Of course, Ed." Colette leaned toward my lips and I smiled, doing what was natural and embracing into a kiss. As she pulled away, I felt the sensation lingering and she smiled. "I got you something."

"Hmm?" Colette pulled out a small black box. I opened it and smiled as I saw a black bracelet with the words 'Edgar' made with diamonds as it appears. Colette held out her wrist and showed me a white one with the world 'Colette' on them. "Thanks, furball." I said, slipping it on gracefully.

"I'm glad we made it official." Colette whispered in my ear.

"Same." Colette hugged me again and I could only hug her back.

"We should go to bed now." I told her, pulling away slowing, taking in the moment. The look of love and happiness on Colette's face surely made me smile.

"Sleep together?" She asked, holding my hand. I flinched, but nodded, unable to disagree.

(Next Morning)

"Edgar!! WAKE UP! THE COMPETITION!" A dozen chunks of popcorn flew at my face. "Oh. OH. OH! Colette! I mean. Edgar! What you doing in Colette's bed?" Fang asked, smirking.

I smiled back. "Made it official." I told him.

"Woah! Congrats!" He smiled. "But anyway, your competition is in 2 hours." Fang told me, smiling nervously.

"O-oh." I hands tarted shaking for some stupid reason. "Yeah. I'm ready." I took a deep breath and sighed, my scarf twitching.

"Wait. I want to hyper charge you."

"What's hyper charge?" I asked curiously.

"Wait." Fang lunged toward me, throwing Powerpoints and coins and my forehead. "And see!"

Star power unlocked. Hyper Charge activated. Fwooooom!!!! Purple fire lit around me and I gasped as a new kind of energy surged into my scarf, a boost of adrenaline. "Woooaaaahhhh." My scarf started its victory wiggle dance and I smacked it countless times for it to stop.

"Cool. Pick your Star Power."

"Umm. What are they?"

"Fisticuffs and Hardlanding." Fang told me. "But I personally like Fisticuffs. Just sayin'. It increases the amount you get healed. Hardlanding deals more damaged when you activate your super."

"Umm. Okay." I said.


Fisticuffs star power selected. 

"Ahh! You're hyper charge! It boosts your shield, attack, speed and shortens the length of charging your super." Fang smiled as he told me how I would turn purple when it was activated.

"Umm. Great." I said, fidgeting with my shirt.

"Welp, better get ready and I'll take you to Starr Stadium in an hour to give you 30 minutes to calm your nerves at the stadium." I nodded, my heart thumping loudly. "And wake Colette up, she would not want to miss this." I nodded again, turning as Fang left.

"Cole. Furball. Get up." I nudged her shoulder and she grumbled a few gibberish words.

"Ehmmm. Edgar?" She asked as one red eye opened. "Good morning." She said sleepily. "OH MY GOODNESS! IT'S TODAY!" Colette suddenly bolted out of bed, running me over and rushing to throw her clothes on. A second later, she was already downstairs, changed and not tired at all. She was frantically scrambling every where.

I smiled as I slipped the cool black bracelet on my wrist for good luck. "EDGAR! GET DOWN HERE AND EAT!"

Colette most likely used her super and grabbed me and zoomed down again, as I was down there in a split second. How did she charge it? I wondered as Colette shoved buttery bread down my mouth and soaking them with milk. "MMfhmmafjk. Shtostp!" I yelled, my voice muffled.

Colette stopped, panting for breath and she watched me finish the food. "It's okay, Cole. I'll eat enough."


"Chill! I will. I bet the others haven't even figured out to level up." I calmed Colette and sat her down on a chair.

When I finished my breakfast, Fang warned that there was only thirty minutes until they left and urged me to put on some comfortable clothing.

I sighed as I pulled on a pair of fingerless black gloves with small silver accessories. My scarf was... working out? It was the only way to describe it. The way that it was stretching and stuff. Uhh, maybe I should change a shirt?

I pulled my current shirt off and frowned, my bag wasn't there and I'd already chucked my shirt in a tub of water to wash. Sh*t. I thought as I turned my covers everywhere, determined to find my bad.

Suddenly, Colette charged right in, holding my bag. "I thought you'd need this." She panted and looked up. "Hhhhaaaaaaaahhhh. Ummmm! BYEEE!" Colette's face was red and mine was redder. She just came in when I wasn't wearing anything.

I sighed and grabbed my bag and rummaging in it. There. Finally. I threw the shirt on and was only just pulling it in a more comfortable shape when Fang yelled: "EDGAR! LET'S GO!"

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