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Y/n pov :
I just took a bath and had a small talk with felix about our school and how much it sucks to go there . I had a mission so had left after lunch and while returning at night I thought why not stop to get some food at the convenience store.

At the store :
I was picking some ramen when I felt someone's eyes on me ,
I turned back but nothing was there .
After paying for the food and eating it I decided to go back home .

I entered a dark alley
When I felt someone following me , I turned back but nothing but I knew someone was following me . I took a turn and they did too . And not too long later I pinned him to the wall with a knife on his throught.

Who are you and why are you following me ?
I was ordered to follow you and my sir has told to give this message

He hands me a piece of paper and ran away .

Paper 📜:

Y/n my princess I have returned back and I would love to meet you but I know you still hate me but you can't stay way from me forever darling I will always find you  , so to make it simple for me and you  come back .


Y/n pov :
No way this can't happen please be just a dream I was thinking while running back to my house and locking the door .

Who was the guy who gave her this message?? Why did he want her back ?

To be continued.....

Author's note :

Sorry I haven't been active lately , I have been busy . But here is another chapter 🤍🖤

Mine. Hwang Hyunjin ffWhere stories live. Discover now