Not What It Looks Like

65 2 14

Word Count: 5,646

Originally Finished: 04/04/2024

Rating: Teen and Up

Warnings: N/A

Characters: Luz Noceda, Hunter | The Golden Guard, Camila Noceda

Relationships: Hunter | The Golden Guard & Luz Noceda, Camila Noceda & Luz Noceda

Other Tags: Self-Harm, Past Self-Harm, Angst with a Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort

Summary: The past few months had just been a series of long and hard days, stuck in the human realm and trying to make a new portal but with no success. The only good thing that was coming out of the awful situation was the group getting closer together. Especially Hunter and Luz, who saw each other as the only person they could talk to about everything they didn't want to talk about. It wasn't perfect, but it was about as good as they could get. There were still sometimes rough nights for the two of them, but for the most part it was manageable. But one night Luz hadn't expected to see Hunter having one of his worst nights yet.

A/N: This oneshot contains depictions and discussion of self-harm. Please take care of yourself and read with caution.

Luz slowly walked from her bedroom towards the bathroom, exhausted from the day.

They had been stuck in the human realm for months and weren't any closer to creating a portal door. Summer was going to end, she was going to have to go back to school, and all of her friends would continue to be stuck hiding away, and they wouldn't even have her with them.

She knew she couldn't blame herself for everything. That's what Amity always told her and she didn't even know the full story. Hunter did know and he said the same thing, that it wasn't her fault. They had been talking a lot recently, they were really the only one the other could go to to really talk about everything that the other knew.

There were a lot of nights they spent together, Hunter just hugging her as she cried about everyone she got hurt, Luz helping Hunter work through everything he realized wasn't normal about him and his life, the two of them just sitting on the porch of the shack because that was the only place they felt they could be safe talking without any of the others finding out everything that they had done. Or everything they thought they had done.

Luz never once blamed Hunter for anything. He had been raised in a cult, groomed to be the perfect soldier, and was also a clone of Belos's brother who was probably a witch hunter too. She remembered the night that Hunter realized that that job could have very well been his namesake.

That night was a very long one.

Luz yawned and went to open the bathroom door, having woken up realizing that she hadn't brushed her teeth that night and since she knew she wouldn't be able to fall back asleep easily she figured she might as well do it. However, she paused when she saw that the light was on. She also heard something that sounded like a groan or a pant, but that didn't really tell her anything. She knew that Willow, Amity, and Vee were all asleep so it had to be either Gus or Hunter. She lightly knocked on the door, partly to figure out who it was and partly to just let them know that someone was out there.

Instead of the usual response of the person inside asking who was knocking or saying they'll be out in a minute, Luz heard a very familiar strained squeak and the sound of something dropping into the sink.

Something that sounded like metal hitting porcelain.

"Hunter, are you okay?" Luz asked, mildly worried but trying to assure herself that she was just mishearing things.

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