Chapter 41

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"But why him my Lord?" I could hear someone cry out, before the images flashed to a piece of metal. As I grew closer towards it, I noticed there were two snakes intertwined with one another, as if it were attached onto something else. It looked so familiar, but I couldn't quite grasp as to why. 

"How dare you question me!" someone roared, causing me to turn towards the voice, but there was no one there. "Hello?" I called out, but no one seemed to hear me. All of a sudden, the image of the knocker disappeared into a cold, dark room. 

As the images began to twist and turn, it soon stopped to a figure standing over another. I watched as they quickly pulled out their wand, before they jabbed it under their throat raising their head higher and higher. 

"He's the only one that can do this, you know this," they began, their voice sending chills down my body.

"He's just a boy," the voice begged, sounding as if it were a woman, before her eyes turned towards me.

All of a sudden, the hooded figure turned towards me, eerily. As they lowered their wand away from the woman, their lips began to curl into a sly grin, before they began to slowly walk towards me. 

"Maybe I should have chosen you," they whispered, their voice sly yet rough, almost as if it were a snakes hiss. I could feel the terror rise throughout my body, but I just stood there, my body paralyzed from fear. 

"Please. I don't know what you mean," I tried, but they just let out wicked laugh, as they crept towards me. "You will soon enough, my child. Sooner than you expect," they yelled, before jolting towards me. 

"NOOOO!" I yelled out, jumping up in bed. As I looked around frantically, I began to hear footsteps approaching the door next to the bed, so I quickly began to search for my wand. Just as they opened the door, I swiftly grabbed it and pointed it at them. 

"Woah, woah,  Flora. It's just us," both Mattheo and Theo let out, as they stood in the doorway with their arms raised in defense, their voice calm yet full of concern. As I looked around, I began to notice that I was in the safety of my own room, and quickly drew back my wand.

"Shit," I scoffed, as I dropped the wand onto the bed. "I thought you were -- never mind," I groaned, as I threw my hands onto my face. I could feel the world beginning to spin around me, sudden memories of everything that has happened hitting me like a ton of bricks. That's when I remembered last night; the alcohol that I had consumed beginning to bubble in my stomach.

"I think I'm going to throw up," I started, just as I felt the vomit rise in my throat. I quickly pushed my way out of the bed and threw back the lid of the toilet, before everything began to spew out. 

"Jesus, Flora. How much did you have to drink?" Theo asked, as he gently knelt down and pulled back my hair. Just before I tried to answer, another wave of vomit began to pour out. 

"Enough to forget that we hooked up," Mattheo added, before I quickly looked back up at him, eyes full of worry. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding," he smirked, soon losing his confidence once he realized the threatening gaze that was being thrown his way, both by Theo and I. 

"I'll get you some water," he offered, as he disappeared down the stairs. After I felt like I was done, I quickly flushed the toilet and allowed myself to fall next to it, my head still feeling a little dizzy. 

"Was it a nightmare?" Theo asked, as he sat down beside me. All I could do was offer him a weak nod of my head, before Mattheo walked back into the bathroom with water and crackers. "Here. This should help until you feel ready to eat some real food," he smiled, as he offered me the glass. 

"Thanks," I mumbled, as I downed the first glass of ice cold water and some crackers. "Come on," Theo sighed, as he jumped to his feet and offered me his hands. "You need to get some rest."

In The Next Life - Theodore Nott FanficUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum