Chapter 100: School Ghoul Duels

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Jaden: Miss fontaine! Do you read me?!Are you ok! Please respond!

Fontaine: Jaden! I can barely hear you!We've been surrounded. They're trying to get in! Blair needs that first aid kit--

Jaden: You're breaking up! Hello?

Fontaine: Come in. Jaden, come in! We need help. Please hurry. She sighs. 'I hope they get here fast, cause we're running out of time. Poor Blair. Without that medicine, her condition is only going to get worse, and with those things out there trying to get in, I could be in need of medical attention too!

Duel Ghouls: Duel me! Duel me. Let me in!

Jaden: It's no use. I can't get in touch with miss fontaine anymore. We have no choice! We've got to go rescue them! We may be their only hope! And I don't plan on lettin' em down!

Jesse: Jaden, wait!

Jaden: What? We can't just stand around and do nothing.

Jesse: We understand.

Haru: So we're joining in! We stick together!

Jesse: Hope ya didn't think we'd let ya do this all on your own. We're all in this together!

Jim: Sounds like a plan. Now while we're gone, Hassleberry and Alexis, you two take these supplies and make your way over to the gym.

Alexis: But we should help you!

Hassleberry: They'll be ok, alexis. Our job's just as important as theirs is.

Adrian: Yeah, we need to keep the gym secure. So you can't let it get overrun. It might be our last stronghold.

Jesse: Okay, Jaden! Let's do this!

Jaden: Alright!

Axel: Hey guys, I've been thinkin' about a way to keep those duel ghouls distracted. Trust me, I think I know someone who can wing it!

In the infirmary, Miss Fontaine was barricading the front door.

Fontaine: Those things will never get through this door now! She gasped when one of them comes through the ceiling.

Duel Ghoul: Du-ellll!

Out in the halls, many Duel Ghouls were wandering around. Winged Kuriboh and Kuriboh appear and grab their attention.

Jaden: Winged kuriboh's leading them away!

Jesse: That was a great idea, Axel!

Axel: And I'm just gettin' warmed up! Follow me! They enter an empty classroom. Now if the schematics I saw online are correct, this floor board opens up to a vent shaft. He pries the floor board loose. Bingo! This shaft'll give us a clear path to the nurse's office. There's no way those duel ghouls will be down here.

Haru: Then let's hurry.

Jaden: Everybody in, we're going doowwwnnnn! They all enter the vents.

Axel: So far, so good! Come on!

Duel Ghoul: Duel me. One of them appears.

Haru: Looks like we spoke too soon!

Jesse: You said there'd be none of those things down here.

Axel: Guess I was wrong.

Duel Ghoul: Du-el...duel me....

Jim: Fellas.

Adrian: Listen guys, I'll hold this one off.

Jaden: You will?

Adrian: You just keep heading to the nurse's office. And I'll meet up with you there. This won't take long. Now, Jim, you go with them alright?

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