Disturbance at the Party

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     After the Musical was over, everyone in the neighborhood went home. Once they were all gone, everyone in the Dormitory resumed with their party and celebrated. However, there was an unexpected threat that arrived to scare them off. It was none other than the demonic Hedgehog himself, Sonic.Exe.

Sonic.Exe: "Well, this is certainly an interesting celebration tonight. It's been a long time since I've seen anything like this so haunting and yet entertaining. Perhaps it's because humans have grown fond over the paranormal creatures of history."

Katsuki: "Who the hell are you!? Nobody invited demons to this party, did they!?"

Wendy: "Hold up, I think I might know who that is! That's the demonic counterpart of the fastest hedgehog alive, Sonic the Hedgehog! He's known as Sonic.Exe! He first appeared into Mobius after someone accidentally used a book of Dark Magic to bring their greatest Hero back! It worked, but there was also a trigger behind it! Once Sonic was brought back, it also created a demonic counterpart that could kill anyone who stands in his way of taking over the planet!"

Izuku: "Wait, seriously!? That's him!? I thought he was just a legendary rumor!"

Eren: "Zuki, stay back! Don't get too close towards him!"

Mikasa: "We've got you, guys! Everyone, get as far away from him as you can!"

Armin: "What the hell are you doing here at our Halloween party anyway!?"

Sonic.Exe: "Just figured I'd let myself in once in a while to terrify some mortal souls."

Levi: "You've really got some nerve showing up here tonight at this party, you creepy Bastard! Especially when everyone was just enjoying themselves with a good time!"

Sonic.Exe: "Perhaps, but it's just my way of showing humans and other creatures a fun time."

Natsu: "More like a disturbing and destructive time of our lives!"

Erza: "You can say that again, Natsu!"

Wendy: "Do you honestly believe you could just get away with killing people all the time!? You know it can't be that easy!"

Sonic.Exe: "I'm the fastest demon hedgehog alive in my world. So, of course I could, and I still can. Starting with everyone who's in this building here."

Eijiro: "You shut up, Asshole! That's not gonna happen!"

Katsuki: "Get him, Kirishima!"

     Katsuki and Eijiro then tried to attack the demonic hedgehog, but he teleported and kicked both of them away.

Sonic.Exe: "Nice try, boys, but you're far too slow to catch me. Even if you could, you'll just risk getting yourselves killed at the process. Now then, let me show you what kind of talent I have for all of you."

     With those words said, Sonic.Exe summoned his dead sidekicks and began to sing.

     After the song finally ended, everyone in the room was shook. Wendy started getting worried about the people in the Dormitory and tries to come up with an idea to get rid of Sonic.Exe and make him leave.

Wendy: "(Crap! This is bad! This is really! Unless we come up with some kind of exciting performance, Sonic.Exe will kill everyone in the party! There's gotta be something we can do to make him leave and return to his world without killing anyone here! But, what song can be enough to get him away from us completely!? There's barely any songs that can relate to his taste except-! Wait, that's it!) Hey, guys, I think I've got an idea!"

Izuku: "For real!? What is it?"

     Wendy then gathered everyone in a huddle to whisper her plan and they were impressed by how it could turn out.

Katsuki: "Hold up, you really think that'll work?"

Wendy: "It's our best chance to survive this year. However, I'll need 2 of you as lead singers for this song."

Katsuki: "Count me in, Lovebug."

Eren: "Me too; I'm in for it."

Mikasa: "Same here."

Armin: "We've probably only got 1 shot with this song and make sure it works."

Wendy: "That's right; If we screw this up, we're all dead. Alright, let's do this, guys."

     With those words said, everyone worked together as a group to defeat Sonic.Exe and began to sing.

(Solos in order: Katsuki, Wendy, Katsuki (2nd), Eren, Levi
Duets in order: Katsuki+Eren (2x)
Everyone basically joins in at the chorus.)
     After the song finally ended, Sonic.Exe was impressed by this form of entertainment that they created tonight and decided to let them go this year.

Sonic.Exe: "Very impressive, Humans; I suppose that form of entertainment was rather interesting. Alright then, I shall take my leave for the night and be off. However, don't believe that you'll be so lucky next time. Which I'm sure will be very soon. Until then, make sure to stay alert when you're out at night."

     With those words said, Sonic.Exe laughed like a maniac, took his leave for the year with his dead sidekicks and returned to his world where he wreaks havoc on his own. Once he was gone, everyone at the party was stunned by what happened tonight. Was Sonic.Exe really gone for good this time? How did even get to their party in the first place? Did he really return to his world? Only time will tell for certain.
To be continued...

🎃Wendy's Wild Halloween Party🎃 (AN AOT X MHA X FT CROSSOVER SPECIAL)Where stories live. Discover now